NPA Northern Samar tactical offensives punish fascist 63rd IB troops

Spokesperson, NPA Rodante Urtal Command
NPA Northern Samar Provincial Operations Command

The Rodante Urtal Command (RUC)-New People’s Army in Northern Samar has successfully launched a series of tactical offensives last April 2014 against the fascist elements of the 63rd Infantry Battalion of the Armed Forces of the Philippines based in Northern Samar. Based on the latest report of the RUC, five were killed and at least four others were wounded on the side of the military, citing zero casualty on the NPA side on the said offensives.

  • 9 April 2014 – Two were killed and two others were wounded when Red fighters under the RUC sniped the elements of the 63rd Infantry Battalion, Bravo Company, at around 7:00 in the morning last 9 April 2014 in Barangay (village) Cagmanaba, Mondragon, Northern Samar. On the same day, another unit of the RUC harassed the operating troops of the 63rd Infantry Battalion at around 9:00 in the evening at Barangay Flormina of the same town, killing two soldiers and wounding a few more.
  • 10 April 2014 – One soldier was killed while two others were wounded when Red fighters under the RUC harassed enemy troops under the 63rd Infantry Battalion while on their way to their camp inside the premises of Barangay San Isidro, Mondragon, Northern Samar. The soldiers just came from beating a farmer in the barrio whom they suspected of being an NPA symphatizer solely because his farm is located near the area where an NPA and military skirmish took place the previous day.
  • 12 April 2014 – NPA Red fighters harassed the operating troops of the 63rd Infantry Battalion in Barangay McKinley, Catarman, Northern Samar, which resulted in heavy casualties on the military side. The Red Fighters safely withdrew despite the military’s use of aerial support in the said skirmish.

Ka Amado Pesante, spokesperson of the RUC-NPA-NS, said that the military actions are aimed at punishing the fascist 63rd Infantry Battalion for its violations being perpetrated against civilians in Mondragon and some barangays in Catarman, Northern Samar. “The military is setting up garrisons in these barangays, their encampments are located inside the communities. They are making human shields out of the residents, conducting forcible interrogations and threatening them, in gross violation of international humanitarian law.

Pesante also slammed the Peace and Development Team (PDT) operations being conducted by the 63rd Infantry Battalion. “Lt. Col. Lagamon, chief of the 63rd IB, is an incorrigible liar for weaving stories that these PDTs aim to bring peace when they enter these barrios. For example, in the 15 days that they are encamped in Barangay Cagmanaba, they did nothing but interrogate and threaten the villagers. They are also hostile towards barangay officials. This has resulted in fear and economic dislocation, since the peasants are scared of going to their farms for fear of being suspected as NPA supporters.

“The NPA will further launch intensified and widespread tactical offensives to defend the people against the military’s human rights violations. Despite the military’s lying and posturing, they continue to isolate themselves from the people, their fascist and anti-people deeds continue to reek. Whereas, the NPA is cherished and supported by the people for launching a just and democratic war.”