Message to the cadres and members of the Party and all revolutionary forces in Eastern Visayas


Particular call and challenge of the present time

The Party put great effort and sacrifice into the revolutionary movement in the past four decades to achieve the present level of development. There is the need to strive further in an extended period of time so we can move forward from the present level of the strategic defensive of the protracted people's war towards the strategic offensive and final victory. We gain revolutionary strength step by step and painstakingly in the process of fighting the reactionary regime in the Philippines at each time until overthrowing the entire rotten ruling system is possible.

Today the revolutionary movement and the people face the Arroyo regime that is one of the most repressive, pro-imperialist and anti-people regimes in the history of the reactionary ruling system in the Philippines. It brought the country to graver crisis that causes the unparalleled exploitation and suffering of the Filipino people. It launched one of the most brutal suppression campaigns through Oplan Bantay Laya against the revolutionary armed movement and the clamoring people and whoever opposes it. It desperately does everything possible to remain and to glut in power. The people despise the regime and desire not only the end of the regime but of the entire rotten social system.

The national leadership of the CPP calls on the entire Party, the revolutionary forces and the people to fight and end the US-Arroyo regime. Its Oplan Bantay Laya must be defeated by intensifying guerrilla warfare and strengthening the broad mass struggle in such a way that the Party and the revolutionary movement become even stronger in an all-around way.

From 2008-2010, Eastern Visayas is one of the targets of the OBL by the regime and the AFP. We see this as a challenge and great opportunity. An opportunity, because we can significantly contribute to the general effort to defeat OBL on a national level and deliver the death blow to the regime. A challenge, because we are carrying on while continuing to rapidly overcome some internal vulnerabilities and shortcomings that is necessary to accumulate additional strength and victories in the process of fighting OBL and the present regime

We are confident of defeating OBL and any other counterrevolutionary step of the Arroyo regime and whatever regime may replace it. We are certain that from now we will be even more honed and stronger, and that we can forward the revolutionary fight to a new and higher level. The past, the present and the future are on the side of revolution.

Long live the Communist Party of the Philippines!

Long live the people's democratic revolution!