Message to the cadres and members of the Party and all revolutionary forces in Eastern Visayas

In celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Communist Party of the Philippines

By CPP Eastern Visayas Regional Committee

On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Communist Party of the Philippines, the Eastern Visayas Regional Party Committee salutes the cadres and members of the Party, the Red commanders and fighters of the New People's Army and all revolutionary forces in Eastern Visayas. Because of their selfless service to the people, perseverance in revolutionary work and braving of sacrifices, the Party and the revolutionary movement in the region achieved significant victories in the past four decades. These victories are our contribution to the comprehensive effort of the Party in advancing the revolutionary struggle throughout the Philippines.


We render the highest accolades to the lives and contributions of the new martyrs Bebiano “Ka Jaime” Rentillosa, Antonio “Ka Mando” Ramos, Florencio “Ka Bernas” Balanquit and many other heroes of the Party, revolution and the people in the region.

The EVRC also salutes the national leadership of the CPP for unifying and guiding the entire Party and the revolutionary forces in the Philippines through all the twists and turns of the revolutionary struggle. Led by the Central Committee, the CPP advances the proletarian revolutionary cause by actively struggling against the ideological attacks of revisionism, imperialism and all reaction not only in the country but throughout the world; by unreservedly launching two Great Rectification Movements; and most of all, by giving flesh and blood to the principles of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism in carrying on the national-democratic revolution through protracted people's war based on the specific circumstances of the Philippines.

On this historic occasion, let us wholeheartedly celebrate our victories in the past four decades of the revolutionary fight. Let us look back at the history of the Party and the revolutionary movement in the country and the region to grasp firmly the golden lessons of waging revolution. Let us sharply comprehend the increasingly favorable objective conditions in the world, the country and the region to correctly use these in further advancing and strengthening the revolutionary struggle. Let us refresh our understanding of the long-term fighting tasks that are in the ten-point program of the people's democratic revolution to have the steadfast commitment to this and to look forward to the bright future. Let us be ever more resolute in facing the present challenges and heartily fulfill the assigned revolutionary tasks and advance forward.