Message to the cadres and members of the Party and all revolutionary forces in Eastern Visayas


Program for the People's Democratic Revolution

On the 40th anniversary of the CPP, it is fitting that we refresh the long-term responsibilities of the Party in the struggle, which are in the ten-point program for the people's democratic revolution. We must persevere in fighting, no matter how many decades it will take, until this program can be fully attained. We can count on the victories and advances we have made in the past four decades. We are inspired by the wider, intensifying and firmer demand of the people for revolutionary change. We furthermore inspired by the advances of the revolutionary movement in other parts of the country. We are illumined by the strict guidance of the Party Central Committee of the region.

The Party's leading responsibility is to lead the Filipino people in fighting for national and social liberation, by bringing down the ruling system of the big compradors-landlords in the country. Every fight against each reactionary regime at each time, we accumulate revolutionary strength until we can in due course complete overthrow the reactionary state. The armed revolution and the united front are the weapons of the Party and the people for this. As the principal form of struggle, we advance the armed struggle through protracted people's war. As the secondary but an essential form of struggle, we advance the parliamentary struggle through the open and democratic mass movement.

The ultimate aim of the people's democratic revolution is to establish the democratic state of the people, under the leadership of the proletariat, based on the basic alliance of the workers and peasants and encompassing the democratic classes of the petty bourgeoisie and national bourgeoisie. The revolutionary government that the Party with the help of the NPA is establishing in the process of advancing the protracted people's war is in preparation for the setting up of the people's democratic republic in the Philippines at the moment of final victory.

The Party will strive to form the strongest and broadest possible unity of the people for national freedom, social liberation of the workers and peasants, and the rights and interests of all democratic classes. After national victory, individual freedoms and widespread public participation will be promoted, democratic liberties will be guaranteed, a decent livelihood for all will be ensured, and Filipino migrants will be enjoined to impart their skills in developing the motherland.

The Party will encourage running the new state based on the principle of democratic centralism. The national government will base its policies and decisions on the needs, demands and efforts of the broad masses of the people and the lower levels of government. There will be elected bodies of officials of people's representatives at every level of government from the barrio and up, which will make the decisions through the democratic process and based on the demands of the people at their particular levels. The people have the right to put forward whatever they feel, to monitor and to criticize the errors and shortcomings of the Party, government and their officials.

The Party sets up the New People's Army under its absolute leadership. This people's army will bring down the armed strength of the reactionary state and the oppressive classes serve as the pillar of the people's democratic state that will be established, and assist in continuing the Philippine revolution to its new stage that will be the socialist revolution. As a revolutionary army, the NPA is a force for fighting, propaganda and production and with firm ties to the toiling people.

The Party advances the struggle of the peasant masses for land as the main content of the people's democratic revolution. The agrarian revolution is the key link to advancing the armed struggle and fortifying the revolutionary base. Advancing the minimum program for agrarian reform prepares for the implementation of the maximum program. Land will be freely distributed to the landless peasants. Feudal and semifeudal exploitation will be erased. Agricultural cooperation will be developed step by step towards the socialist transformation of agriculture. All that is necessary in terms of capital, machines, technical, financial and other forms of support will be extended to raise agricultural production. Raising the level of livelihood and the purchasing power of the peasant masses will also spark vitality in industrial production. Agriculture will serve as the foundation of the national economy because this will answer the need for food and raw materials for industrialization, while the peasant masses will serve directly as the market for industrial production.

Private ownership of the means of production and distribution by the foreign monopoly capitalists and exploiting classes will be expunged. Basic industries will be set up. Advanced technology will be developed to serve the needs of the people. National industrialization will be the leading aspect of the economy. The state will control the major financial institutions, sources of raw materials and energy, heavy and basic industries, and lines of commerce. Cooperatives of the peasants, fisherfolk and other small producers will be encouraged.

The Party furthers the right of the national minorities in the Philippines for national self-determination against national oppression, exploitation, chauvinism, racism and discrimination. Upon victory, it will be ensured that their rights are always protected and that the national minorities will have a rightful place in the state.

The Party ensures through various revolutionary and progressive formations the widest possible anti-imperialist unity and cooperation. The moral and material support from abroad is important for the complete victory of the revolution against the imperialists and local reactionaries. In setting up the people's democratic republic of the Philippines under the Party, all unequal agreements with imperialist countries will be abrogated based on a foreign policy that is active, independent and nonbelligerent. Guided by the principle of proletarian internationalism, the new republic of the Philippines will aid in setting up socialism, relate closely with the socialist countries, and render all possible and appropriate support to the revolutionary struggle of the proletariat and the people of the world.