By the New Communist Party (Liaison Committee)
On this historic day, 26 December 2014, the New Communist Party (Liaison Committee) of the United States sends its solidarity, fraternal support and respect to one of the world’s leading revolutionary organizations: the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP).
As communists, we uphold the revolutionary movement being waged by CPP against capitalism-imperialism and semi-feudalism as one of the greatest and most important revolutionary wars being waged in the world right now. Many vanguard organizations that wish to lead the working class and the oppressed against capitalism and imperialism, can learn a great deal from studying CPP, its organizing strategies, its errors and rectifications and its guiding ideology, that of the revolutionary science of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
The CPP has been on the forefront of the international communist movement ever since its founding 46 years ago on this very date. But prior still, revolutionaries in the Philippines have waged wars of liberation against colonialists, from Spain to Japan and now against the imperialist United States.
We view the contemporary struggle as an ongoing history by the first anti-colonialists of the Philippines of 1896 led by Andrés Bonifacio and the people.
We as Marxists-Leninist-Maoists, view the contributions of Mao Zedong as primary additions to the struggle of revolution and liberation worldwide – especially for oppressed nations and internal colonies. Marxism-Leninism-Maoism resonates with oppressed people within the United States, too, for the specific make-up of this imperialist country as being settler-colonialists. Our struggles, too, have to focus on national liberation as well as proletarian revolution. The CPP are, by leaps and bounds, making strides in contextualizing the national liberation struggle within the socialist revolution. The CPP’s guiding ideology is shared by us, and we uphold Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, as our principle banner for revolution.
The CPP and its allied organizations, the National Democratic Front and the New Peoples Army, as Mao taught, are the three weapons needed to wage a successful revolution.
We as revolutionaries and especially as oppressed and exploited people faced with systemic state violence, such as white supremacist police terrorism against our communities, look toward the CPP and the Philippines as a viable solution to this onslaught, to this reality of police abuse and violence. Police terror is the extension of the dictatorship of the white supremacist, capitalist ruling class in the US, and exposes how oppression and exploitation that are the very pillars of our society.
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: we need a people’s army led by a communist party and a united front of all oppressed and exploited people in the settler-colonialist United States. The Liaison Committee for a New Communist Party aspires to build this communist party guided by Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
Down with U.S. imperialism! Down with the repressive Filipino state!
Long live the National Democratic Front!
Long live the New Peoples’ Army!
Long live the Communist Party of the Philippines!