AFP-SCAA suffers six casualties in encounter with NPA in Agusan del Sur

Spokesperson, NPA Western Agusan Norte-Agusan Sur Sub-Regional Command

Armed Forces of the Philippines and SCAA troops suffered six casualties after encountering a unit of the New People’s Army under the Western Agusan Norte-Agusan Sur Sub-regional Command (NPA-WANAS) in Purok 7, Barangay (village) Zellovia, Talacogon, Agusan del Sur on 5 August 2014, around 6:20 AM.

One regular soldier was killed while three others were wounded, while one member of SCAA was killed and another was wounded.

At around 6:20 AM, the Red fighters first encountered around 15 SCAA troops. They are serving as rabid guards of Provident Tree Farm Incorporated (PTFI) which was then harvesting mangium and falcata trees. After a few moments of firefighting, the NPA safely withdrew after the SCAA troops mixed in with civilians. An SCAA member, Carlito Perez, was killed here while another was wounded.

At around 6:40 AM, 26th Infantry Battalion troops quickly reinforced. Their battalion headquarters is only a kilometer away from the encounter site. But an NPA team employed a command-detonated explosive against the reinforcement unit, and a few minutes of firefight ensued afterward. One soldier was killed while another three were wounded.

On the other hand, the NPA unit safely withdrew after the two incidents.

The NPA has successfully punished these fascist troops which serve as protectors of the interests of PTFI, a landgrabber, environmentally-destructive and exploitative company in Agusan del Sur.