ZBC-NPA to 10th ID-AFP's Aguilar: Shame on you for capitalizing on 'Amanda' in your black propaganda repertoire
Ka Sandawa
Spokesperson, Zenaida Beron Command
Front 54 Operations Command
NPA-Southern Mindanao
The 10th Infantry Division-Armed Forces of the Philippines is in no position to revile the family of “Amanda” — the minor misrepresented by the military as a “would-be NPA recruit” — for it has unraveled itself as not only having exploited the 17-year old as its unwitting asset, but has also made her a victim of statutory rape or sexual exploitation.
Indeed, the AFP is trapped in its own web of lies when it deals with “Amanda” (not her real name) because of the scripted circumstances of her so-called escape from the New People's Army. Scripted because at the time that she was made to publicize her predicament, she was a victim of sexual coercion when she was forced to enter into a relationship with a soldier of the 84th Infantry Battalion-AFP.
The 84th IB-AFP deployed in Davao from Luzon middle part of last year has conducted aggressive RSOT (Re-engineered Special Operations Team) operations in Escandor village in Baracatan, Toril in Davao City where the family of 'Amanda' lives. 84th IB-AFP troops launched psychological warfare operations through house to house surveys; Baracatan residents were arbitrarily accused as members and leaders of revolutionary mass organizations and routinely rounded up and subjected to grave intimidation.
In its intelligence activities, the military is known to use underhanded tactics like "establishing" relations with residents, befriending women and soliciting sexual favors.
The AFP's idea of "helping" Amanda was to make her a "trophy", mouth the 10th ID-AFP's propaganda spin and refuse to turn her over to her family.
Not only has the military exposed itself with this decadent and mercenary practice, it has now turned the tables on “Amanda” by saying that it was “Amanda” who approached the AFP with her story. This pathetic excuse only reveals how little the AFP in the person of Lt. Col. Aguilar regards the public's ability to discern the truth from lies and manufactured content.