Yolanda: Overcoming calamity through revolution (preview)

Yolanda video trailerBy CPP Information Bureau

Sine Proletaryo announced today the release of the video documentary, Yolanda: Overcoming calamity through revolution, in commemoration of the 8 November 2013 tragedy which killed thousands and ravaged entire cities and communities in central and southern Philippines.

The video, produced in cooperation with Talutang Productions of Eastern Visayas and Pulang Madyaas Productions of Panay Island, features interviews with Red fighters of the New People’s Army, members of the Communist Party of the Philippines, and leaders of revolutionary mass organizations, as well as footages of NPA teams taken during and after the storm.

It explores how revolution is waged amid the calamity in the guerrilla fronts in Eastern Visayas and Panay island, in central Philippines.

Watch the trailer on youtube.