The blood of Rebelyn Pitao is on the hands of Gloria Arroyo and Gen. Eduardo Ermita!


Rebelyn Pitao. Photo from

Chairperson, NDFP Negotiating Panel

The National Democratic Front of the Philippines condemns in the strongest terms the abduction and brutal murder of 20-year-old Rebelyn Pitao, daughter of Lencio Pitao, Commander of the New People's Army. We hold Mrs. Gloria Arroyo and  Executive Secretary, General Eduardo Ermita responsible for this dastardly violation of Rebelyn Pitao's right to life. It is likewise a blatant violation of the Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (CARHRIHL).

Mrs. Arroyo's and General Ermita's frustrated satanic desire to defeat the New People's Army and in particular kill or capture NPA Commnder Parago, nom de guerre of Leoncio Pitao, has led them to commit grave violations of international humanitarian law and the CARHRIHL. In June of last year, the brother of Commander Parago, Danilo, was abducted and killed in Tagum City.

Now, his daugher, Rebelyn, a teacher at St. Peter College in Toril, Davao City, was abducted by two armed men at 6:30 in the evening of March 4, 2009 at the crossing of Bago Gallera de Oro Subdivision in Davao City. The gunmen threatened the tricycle driver, Danny E. Pelicano, as they forcibly took Rebelyn and forced her into a white van.

Yesterday, at 6:30 p.m., her dead body was found floating on a river, bearing torture marks.

This latest outrageous human rights violation by the Arroyo regime and its continuing violation of the peace agreements, including the CARHRIHL and the Joint Agreement on Safety and Immunity Guarantees and the recent arrest and torture of NDFP Consultant Eduardo Sarmiento and the continuing detention of NDFP consultants Randall Echanis, Elizabeth Principe, Angie Ipong and Glicerio Pernia, among others, render peace talks with the Arroyo regime untenable.

For this dastardly murder of Rebelyn Pitao, and so many other human rights violations against the Filipino people, Mrs. Gloria Arroyo, General Eduardo Ermita and other minions of the Arroyo regime must he held responsible and accountable.

The blood of Rebelyn is on the hands of Mrs. Arroyo and General Ermita!