NDFP Chief International Representative
Esteemed Comrades,
The National Democratic Front of the Philippines conveys its warm greetings of solidarity to the leadership and membership of the Partido del Movimiento al Socialismo (P-MAS) of Paraguay on its Third Congress and on the 8th anniversary of its founding.
It is very meaningful that your Party was founded on the occasion of the historical struggles of the Paraguayan working class. Now at your Third Congress you are taking up important issues on Organization, Finances and Lines for the coming period, with contributions from your mass members and your Political Bureau.
We are aware of the militant struggles of the Paraguayan people and the mass campaigns launched by the masses in your country. Just like the masses in the Philippines who carry out mass struggles to achieve social justice, freedom and genuine democracy, your mass struggles interact with the just struggles of peoples in other parts of the world.
We wish you the utmost success in your Third Congress. We are confident such success will lead to more and bigger victories in the future.
We hope to develop our links and cooperation for the benefit of our peoples in our common struggle for justice, freedom, national and social liberation!
Long live the Partido del Movimiento al Socialismo (P-MAS)!
Long live the Proletariat and people of Paraguay!
Long live the solidarity between the Paraguayan people and the Filipino people!