Solidarity message on the occasion of the 90th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution

The National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) extends its most militant greetings to the CARC, Circolo Lenin (Catania), Proletari Comunisti and Teoria & Prassi which are organizing various activities to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.

On this occasion, we recall the great legacy of Leninism, the establishment and consolidation of the first socialist state by the Bolsheviks and the great achievements of the Soviet proletariat and people in socialist revolution and construction. We draw both positive and negative lessons from the experience of building socialism, we condemn the restoration of capitalism and we renew our commitment to the revolutionary struggle of the proletariat and people for national liberation, democracy and socialism against imperialism and all reaction.


The National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) extends its most militant greetings to the CARC, Circolo Lenin (Catania), Proletari Comunisti and Teoria & Prassi which are organizing various activities to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.

On this occasion, we recall the great legacy of Leninism, the establishment and consolidation of the first socialist state by the Bolsheviks and the great achievements of the Soviet proletariat and people in socialist revolution and construction. We draw both positive and negative lessons from the experience of building socialism, we condemn the restoration of capitalism and we renew our commitment to the revolutionary struggle of the proletariat and people for national liberation, democracy and socialism against imperialism and all reaction.

In the spirit of proletarian internationalism, we join the proletariat and other toiling people all over the world in celebrating the day that the Russian working class and people defeated the bourgeoisie and proceeded to build a socialist society in a vast country covering one-sixth of the globe.

The Great October Socialist Revolution was an epoch-making event. Lenin led the Great October Socialist Revolution to establish the first socialist state. Socialist revolution and construction were carried out in the Soviet Union under severe difficulties. The Bolsheviks had to contend with the interimperialist war, the civil war and interventionist wars, the violence and sabotage by the reactionaries, and the economic blockade and aggressive actions of the imperialists.

After the death of Lenin, Stalin led the Soviet proletariat and people in further consolidating the proletarian class dictatorship over the bourgeoisie, building a strong socialist industrial base and a collectivized and mechanized agriculture and educating millions upon millions of the people and raising them to a higher cultural level. Under the leadership of Stalin, the Soviet proletariat and people defended the Soviet Union against Nazi aggression, rebuilt the Soviet economy from the devastation of war and proceeded to produce the world's largest corps of scientists, engineers, doctors, artists, writers and other intellectuals.

The Great October Socialist Revolution inspired the proletariat and people in capitalist countries to fight for socialism and democracy against the monopoly bourgeoisie and fascism. It inspired oppressed nations and peoples to struggle for national liberation, democracy and socialism against the foreign imperialists and the local reactionaries. It paved the way for the emergence of several socialist countries and the national liberation movements on a wide scale after World War II.

From 1956, it took some 35 years for the modern revisionists to masquerade as Marxist-Leninists and restore capitalism. With the blatant restoration of capitalism in the former socialist countries, the proletariat and people have come under more intense oppression and exploitation. They suffer from economic and social breakdown, bureaucratic corruption, privatization of the social wealth, bankruptcies, mass unemployment, hunger and misery, fascist repression, civil wars, ethnic conflicts, criminality and other evils of the capitalist system.

The triumphalist rhetoric of the big bourgeoisie over the so-called victory of capitalism over communism in the wake of the collapse of the revisionist regimes has been short-lived. The world capitalist system is in an unprecedented crisis.


Most of the countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America under neocolonial exploitation are in a chronic state of depression. They are afflicted by production breakdowns, massive unemployment, scarcities, inflation and widespread hunger as a result of deteriorating terms of trade, mounting deficits and foreign debt burden. The depression in these neocolonies recoils upon the industrial capitalist countries and has resulted in the prolonged recessionary trend, mass unemployment, soaring deficits, social cutbacks and social tensions.

The US which is the leading imperialist power is plagued by persistent industrial decline and deficit problems and continues to be in strategic decline. The great disparity in income between the few bourgeois exploiters and the majority of the American people and the worsening socioeconomic conditions are generating more and more resistance to the monopoly bourgeoisie.

There are growing differences among the European countries and between the latter and the United States on a wide range of issues. The industrial capitalist countries are increasingly in contention among themselves over political, investment, trade, financial and military questions.

There is a new world disorder. The proletariat and the people are now entering a new period of revolutionary struggles. The worsening crisis of the world capitalist system is providing favorable conditions for renewed efforts to wage the revolutionary mass movement.

On this occasion of the 90th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, we join the Marxist-Leninist parties and organizations of the world in upholding the theory and practice of Marxism-Leninism. We must carry out an ideological and political counteroffensive against the imperialists and their retinue of petty bourgeois anticommunists. We must strive to strengthen the ranks of proletarian revolutionaries ideologically, politically and organizationally.

We must defeat the current anticommunist ideological offensive of the imperialists, local reactionaries and their special agents among the petty bourgeoisie that continue to misrepresent modern revisionism and bureaucrat capitalism as socialism in an attempt to discredit the theory and practice of Marxism-Leninism and to demoralize the proletariat and the people.

The Great October Socialist Revolution continues to inspire the proletariat and people of the world. The communists and all revolutionary forces are determined to fight for a better world that is free from oppression and exploitation.