Resolution in support of Filipino people’s struggle against US-Arroyo War of Terror

Brussels, Belgium

Resolution in support of the Filipino people's struggle
against the US-Arroyo regime's War of Terror

We are in solidarity with the Filipino people in their determination to fight for national liberation and democracy against the US-Arroyo regime’s heightened war of terror, fascist terrorism and plunder of the.human and material resources of the Philippines. We support all the efforts of the Filipino people to frustrate the regime in every arena of struggle whether in the legal mass movement, in the factories, in the streets, in schools and universities, in their communities and in the countryside where the Red fighters of the New People's Army are inflicting fatal blows and heavy losses against the reactionary forces.

Brussels, Belgium

The validity and current relevance
of the October Revolution of 1917 for the 21st century

Resolution in support of the Filipino people's struggle
against the US-Arroyo regime's War of Terror

US imperialism and the regime of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo have unleashed the most brutal attacks on the Filipino people in their desperate attempt to crush the national democratic revolution and prolong the oppressive and exploitative system in the Philippines.

Since coming into power in 2001, the US-Arroyo regime has escalated from year to year its violation of the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of communities, organizations and individuals, and the national sovereignty of the entire Filipino people. The Bush-instigated war of terror has involved summary executions, massacres, enforced disappearances, torture and other atrocities against the people. Subjected to bombings, artillery fire, arbitrary machine gunfire and other forms of military attacks, more than a million people have left their homes to give way to multinational mining, plantation and other corporations. Prof. Jose Maria Sison, the Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People's Army are misrepresented as terrorists.

To date, the US-Arroyo regime has murdered more than 830 leaders and members of progressive legal organizations of workers, peasants, women, youth, human rights activists, lawyers, religious, and journalists. It has inflicted serious injury to 357 who have survived assassination attempts by the regime’s military and police. It has caused the forcible disappearance of nearly 200 legal activists. These atrocities are rapidly rising as Part II of the US-sponsored Oplan Bantay-Laya (Operation Freedom Watch) is being implemented according to the pattern of US Operation Phoenix in Vietnam in the sixties. The regime is gearing for the further escalation of state terrorism upon the implementation of the so-called Human Security Act of 2007 in July.

There is a clear and defined connection between the bloody violation of civil and political rights and the economic plunder by the multinational firms and the bureaucratic corruption of the puppet rulers and the unbridled use of violence against the people under the US-led "war on terror". What is happening in the Philippines is also happening in many countries where US and other multinational firms intensify exploitation under the policy of “neoliberal globalization” and the US imperialist forces or surrogate armies use "unconventional warfare" tactics against the people under the pretext of anti-terrorism. The gross and systematic violations of human rights and the rights of people to liberation and self-determination are in flagrant disregard of international laws.

We are in solidarity with the Filipino people in their determination to fight for national liberation and democracy against the US-Arroyo regime’s heightened war of terror, fascist terrorism and plunder of the.human and material resources of the Philippines. We support all the efforts of the Filipino people to frustrate the regime in every arena of struggle whether in the legal mass movement, in the factories, in the streets, in schools and universities, in their communities and in the countryside where the Red fighters of the New People's Army are inflicting fatal blows and heavy losses against the reactionary forces.

We have confidence in the ability of the Filipino people to win in their fight against the brutal attacks of the US-Arroyo regime. The regime is becoming more isolated because of popular resistance and global condemnation. At the same time, we deem it necessary to extend to the Filipino people all possible encouragement and assistance in their just struggle. We call on parties, organizations and individuals to join the Filipino people in frustrating the US-Arroyo regime's war of terror and support their struggle for national liberation and democracy.

Expose and oppose the plunderous and murderous character of the US-Arroyo regime!

Support the continuing struggle of the Filipino People for national liberation and democracy!

Long live international solidarity of the people against imperialism and reaction!


  1. Afghanistan, All Nation Movement for democracy and progress of Afghanistan
  2. Albania, Communist Party of Albania
  3. Algeria, Parti Algérien pour la Démocratie et le Socialisme (PADS)
  4. Austria, Kommunistische Initiative [KI] Österreich
  5. Bangladesh, Communist Party of Bangladesh (Marxist-Leninist)
  6. Bangladesh, Socialist Party of Bangladesh
  7. Belarus, Communist Party of the Soviet Union
  8. Belgium, Workers' Party of Belgium
  9. Brazil, Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB)
  10. Brazil, Movimiento Revolucionario 8 de Octubre (MR8)
  11. Croatia, Socialist Workers' Party of Croatia
  12. Cuba, Partido Comunista de Cuba
  13. Denmark, Communist Party of Denmark (DKP)
  14. Denmark, Danish Communist Party
  15. Finland, Communist Workers’ Party For Peace and Socialism
  16. France, Communistes
  17. France, PRCF – Pôle de Renaissance Communiste en France
  18. France, URCF – Union des révolutionnaires-communistes de France
  19. Germany, Communist Party of Germany (KPD)
  20. India, Socialist Unity Centre of India (SUCI)
  21. Latvia, Socialist Party of Latvia
  22. Lithuania, Communist
  23. Lithuania, Socialist Party of Lithuania
  24. Mexico, Partido Democrático Popular Revolucionario (PDPR)
  25. Nepal, Nepalese People’s Progressive Forum – Belgium
  26. Nepal, United Nepalese Front-Europe
  27. Norway, Red (formerly Workers' Communist Party AKP)
  28. Palestine, Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
  29. Russia, Russian Communist Workers' Party – Revolutionary Party of Communists
  30. Serbia, Movement of Yugoslav Workers (RSUY)
  31. Slovakia, Communist Party of Slovakia
  32. Spain, Partido Comunista de los Pueblos de España
  33. Spain, Union Proletaria
  34. Sweden, Communist Party (KP)
  35. Syria, Syrian Communist Party
  36. Taiwan, Chinese Province of, The Labour Party of Taiwan
  37. Tunisia, Parti Communiste Ouvrier Tunisien
  38. Tunisia, Parti du Travail patriotique et démocratique de Tunisie
  39. Turkey, Communist Party of Turkey (TKP)
  40. Ukraine, Union of Communists
  41. United Kingdom, Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist)
  42. USA, Freedom Road Socialist Organization
  43. USA, Workers' World Party
  44. Venezuela, Partido Comunista de Venezuela

(6 May 2007)

Resolución en apoyo de la lucha del pueblo filipino contra la guerra de terror del régimen Estados Unidos-Arroyo

Résolution sur la lutte soutenue du peuple philippin contre « la guerre a la terreur » menée par le régime Arroyo et les Etats-Uni

Резолюция о продолжаюшейся борьбе народа Филиппин с «борьбой против терроризма“ проамериканского режима Арройо.

Resolutie over de voortdurende strijd van het Filippijnse volk tegen de “oorlog tegen het terrorisme” van het US-Arroyo regime