Rectify and advance!

As the revolutionary movement celebrates the 56th anniversary of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), all revolutionary forces are called upon to learn from the lessons of the past and redouble efforts to overcome shortcomings and weaknesses in line with the Third Rectification Movement. The path of revolution is fraught with challenges, and only through criticism and self-criticism and resolute struggle can the people’s democratic revolution advance to new and greater heights.

The 56th anniversary of the Party comes amid the continuing economic stagnation of the global capitalist system, marked by intensifying contradictions among imperialist powers. US imperialism, in particular, is stoking wars and fomenting militarization in various fronts in Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Asia to maintain its global hegemony. In the Philippines, the US-Marcos regime’s corruption, political repression, and subservience to US warmongering interests deepen the economic and political crises. Workers, peasants, and other oppressed sectors bear the brunt of skyrocketing inflation, landlessness, and systemic wage depression. This dire situation fuels the Filipino people’s determination to fight for their urgent demands, from wage increase and genuine agrarian reform to people’s rights and national sovereignty.

Against this backdrop, the rectification movement firmly takes root within the revolutionary forces. While significant progress has been made, much remains to be done. The campaign of study and self-criticism, essential to rectifying errors and addressing ideological weaknesses, is steadily gaining ground, albeit in its early stages. Vigorous study campaigns throughout the year have encouraged units to revisit the teachings of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and the invaluable writings of Prof. Jose Maria Sison, which illuminate the path of the Philippine revolution and continue to inspire movements and parties abroad.

The revolutionary movement remain meticulous in reviewing their summing-up documents to identify errors, shortcomings, and their ideological roots while also highlighting their strengths. Social investigation and class analysis have been pivotal in updating knowledge of the objective situation and the conditions of the masses and subjective forces. These efforts are complemented by the flourishing of mass campaigns. Amid the deepening crisis, the people are more receptive than ever to national democratic propaganda and organizing efforts. Activists and cadres are undertaking comprehensive mass work, building mass organizations, and mobilizing them in an all-rounded manner. Furthermore, it is encouraging to witness the growth of NDFP-allied organizations as more people join revolutionary mass organizations, contributing to the momentum of our revolutionary struggle.The indomitable spirit of New People’s Army red fighters remain unbroken As most guerrilla units continue to persevere, demonstrating their capability to adapt quickly to changing conditions and escape enemy encirclement. The sacrifice and selflessness of the NPA’s cadres and Red fighters are a testament to their lifelong commitment to serving the Filipino workers and peasants and advancing the people’s war until victory.

This anniversary is also a moment to honor the legacy of Ka Joma, the founding chairperson of the CPP, the NPA and the NDFP, and a guiding light of the Philippine revolution. Ka Joma’s writings remain a treasure trove of MLM knowledge, offering incisive analyses and strategies that continue to guide not only the Philippine revolution but also revolutionary movements and parties across the globe. We also pay tribute to the revolutionary martyrs and heroes of the Filipino people—those who led selfless lives in the service of the national democratic revolution. Their sacrifices remind us of the profound costs of the struggle and the boundless courage and commitment required to advance it.

Encouragingly, new blood and younger cadres are stepping into leading positions within the Party. The rectification movement has invigorated Party committees, making them more conscientious in guarding against liberalism, ultra-democracy, and bureaucratism—weaknesses that have undermined democratic centralism in the past. This new generation of cadres brings fresh energy and determination to the revolutionary cause, ensuring that the Party remains resilient and adaptive in the face of ever-changing challenges.

As we mark and celebrate the Party’s 56th anniversary, we remind all revolutionary forces of the critical tasks at hand: to deepen and broaden the rectification movement, to strike deeper roots among the masses and lead their struggle against the puppet, bureaucrat-capitalist, and fascist US-Marcos regime, and advance the people’s democratic revolution to greater heights.

The crisis of the ruling system creates fertile ground for revolution. As the contradictions within the semifeudal and semicolonial Philippine society sharpen, the task of the revolutionary forces is to seize this opportunity to further advance the struggle.

The road to victory is long and arduous, but the determination of the masses is boundless. With each battle fought and won, with each error identified and rectified, with each sacrifice honored and remembered, the national democratic revolution draws closer to victory.  Indeed, as Comrade Jose Maria Sison declared: the Filipino people’s democratic revolution is invincible.