Order to suspend NPA offensive operations in Surigao del Norte and Agusan del Norte for the release of 4 POWs

Spokesperson, NDFP Northeast Mindanao Chapter

It has come to the attention of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines in the North East Mindanao Region (NDFP-NEMR) that the Government of the Philippines (GPH) has expressed its intention to grant the request of the families of the four Prisoners of War (POW) under the custody of the New People’s Army (NPA) and the Third Party facilitators for the temporary cessation of military operations in order to allow the safe release of said four POWs.

And that, moreover, the GPH have positively considered to reciprocate the adjusted proposal of the NDFP-Mindanao for a five-day ceasefire, which, in effect, creates a favorable condition for the safety and security of the POWs, the GPH representatives, the Third Party Facilitators, the families, the media, the NPA custodial unit, and all those who will attend the release of the four POWs on Tuesday, 29 July 2014.

In light of these new developments, the NDFP-NEMR hereby orders all units of the New People’s Army (NPA) whose areas of responsibility cover the six (6) towns in mainland Surigao del Norte, namely: Claver, Gigaquit, Bacuag, Placer, Tubod, and Alegria, and the three (3) municipalities of Agusan del Norte, namely Kitcharao, Jabonga, and Santiago to SUSPEND ALL OFFENSIVE OPERATIONS beginning 12:00 noon (1200h) of 27 July until 12:00 noon (1200h) of 01 August 2014.

This ceasefire order shall entail the temporary cessation of any military actions by concerned NPA units against any unit or individual members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, Philippine National Police, and Citizens Armed Forces Geographical Unit (AFP-PNP-CAFGU) in the aforementioned areas. All concerned NPA units, however, must maintain its active-defense mode within the given timeframe of the ceasefire, and must not hesitate to defend its own forces and the masses within the area whenever a serious breach occurs.

This order takes effect upon the official declaration of a suspension of all offensive military operations on the part of the AFP-PNP-CAFGU, and if there is no more threat of enemy presence in the aforementioned areas.

Within this time, all NPA units concerned with the security are directed to report to higher command any and all developments in the field in order to help enable the NDFP-NEMR to make correct and timely appraisals and directives based on the situation.

After the safe release of the 4 POWs, all NPA units must relocate to a relatively secure location to prepare themselves and the masses in the area against another wave of brutal attacks by enemy forces, especially after such time when the ceasefire expires.