NPA punishes intelligence agent, 11 enemy casualties in guerrilla actions in Eastern Visayas

Spokesperson, Efren Martires Command
NPA Eastern Visayas Regional Operations Command

The Efren Martires Command (EMC) of the New People’s Army (NPA) in Eastern Visayas (EV) today claimed responsibility for the punishment of an intelligence handler of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, as well as inflicting 11 other casualties killed on the enemy side in various guerrilla actions in the region. “The special operations group of the NPA Efren Martires Command carried out the death sentence of the people’s court on Jojo “Jerson” Rafales on 01 August 2014 at 5:00 PM in Calbiga, Samar,” said Ka Karlos Manuel, EMC spokesperson.

“Rafales was an element of the paramilitary Citizens Armed Forces Geographical Unit, and was sentenced to death for setting up intelligence networks in Calbiga, Pinabacdao, and Basey towns. He was involved in the killing of activist leader Rodolfo Dagumay Basada in Pinabacdao on 29 June 2014, and the attempted killing of another activist, Ariel Dacallos, in Calbiga last 31 July. Seized from Rafales was a .45 pistol and two spare magazines.”

In other developments, Manuel said that the NPA also dealt 11 casualties killed in action on the 8th Infantry Division.

“Last 2 August, Red fighters of the EMC harassed 21 elements of the 87th Infantry Battalion then on operations in Barangay (village) Magdawat, Pinabacdao, Samar. The gunbattle raged from 10:00 AM to past 12:00 noon. Five enemy soldiers were killed in action while the NPA had no casualty. Meanwhile, last 11 July, an NPA sniper team shot and killed one soldier of the 87th Infantry Battalion’s 19-element “peace and development team” then operating in the same barangay. The NPA harassments were in punishment for the military’s various human rights violations in Calbiga and Pinabacdao, on top of the people’s continuing sufferings in these towns after Supertyphoon Yolanda.”

“Five soldiers were also killed and six wounded last 17 June after a platoon of Red fighters of the Mt. Amandewin Command defended itself when the 19th Infantry Battalion attempted to raid their encampment in the area between Barangays Hugpa and Mahilaum, in Ormoc City. There were no NPA casualties in the 50-minute gunbattle. But the following day, the 19th Infantry Battalion commander went to the abandoned NPA camp for “photo ops” and boasted to the media that the NPA had many casualties, just to cover up their shameful defeat.”

The EMC spokesperson said the NPA will step up tactical offensives in Eastern Visayas to defend the people from the Aquino government’s atrocities.

“The people of Eastern Visayas are still suffering after Supertyphoon Yolanda but they are now being battered by the Aquino government’s Oplan Bayanihan. Thus the NPA is supporting the people’s struggle to oust the Aquino regime and fight for genuine reconstruction through revolutionary change. Because the Aquino regime is corrupt, unjust, cruel, rotten to the core, and treasonous in the extreme, it is bound to fall like the Marcos and Estrada regimes.”