NPA launches punitive action against SUMIFRU, hits AFP troops in Bukidnon

Spokesperson, NPA South Central Bukidnon Subregional Command

In one day, units of the New People’s Army under the South-Central Bukidnon Sub-regional command launched two offensive actions in the towns of Cabanglasan and Quezon, Bukidnon. The NPA first harassed reactionary troops, then launched a punitive action against SUMIFRU (Sumitomo Fruits).

The Red fighters paralyzed a boom spray in SUMIFRU’s pineapple plantation in Barangay Maynaga, Cabanglasan on 22 July 2014, around 11:40 AM. They seized a KG9 machine pistol from the company guards. The 8th Infantry Battalion responded too late after the NPA unit safely withdrew. This is the third NPA punitive action against this company this year.

Meanwhile, around 11:30 AM of the same day, another unit of the NPA harassed a column of more than 50 troops under the 104th Division Reconnaissance Company. The guerrillas first employed a command-detonated explosive then engaged a short exchange of fire before they safely withdrew. The attacked troops are headed by a certain 1st Lt. Gamad and are part of the hot-pursuit operation being launched presently against NPA operatives who successfully launched an attack against an outgrower of Del Monte Pineapple Plantation in Sitio Kiantig, Barangay San Jose, Quezon last week.

Casualties among the fascist troops of 104th DRC after the offensive are yet to be confirmed. Residents of the area are forbidden from going to the place of incident to cover their failure, which serves to belie their oft-repeated rants that the NPA is weakening after three batches of fake surenderees this year.