NPA Davao Oriental and other tactical offensives to mark end of Aquino regime

Information Bureau | Communist Party of the Philippines
Press Release | June 1, 2016

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) commended the New People’s Army (NPA) in Davao Oriental for successfully carrying out a tactical offensive last Sunday morning against the station of of the Philippine National Police (PNP) in Governor town.

Initial reports indicate that the NPA unit was able to completely overrun the police station and seize a large caché of firearms. The police station chief was taken in order to be subjected to investigative interviews and discussions. He can be released soon as a prisoner of war if he is not found culpable of criminal cases or war crimes.

Reports also indicate that the PNP personnel ran out of bullets in the vain attempt to defend their station.”The NPA exhibited great restraint and judicious abidance of humanitarian laws as none of the police personnel were aggrieved in the post-firefight scenario.”

“The Davao Oriental tactical offensive last Sunday indicate the increasing ability of the NPA to incapacitate the armed detachments of the reactionary state,” said the CPP. “The seizure of an increasing number of firearms is an important aspect of the growing people’s war.”

“The NPA tactical offensive last Sunday is among the exclamation points to mark the end of the Aquino regime and its calamitous yet failed Oplan Bayanihan war of suppression waged by the military and police forces over the past six years,” added the CPP.

“The NPA can launch more tactical offensives over the next few weeks to carry out just and punitive actions against the most rabid units of the AFP and PNP which have commited grave crimes of massacres and killings, illegal arrests and torture, militarization, economic blockades and other violations of human rights under the Aquino regime’s Oplnan Bayanihan,” said the CPP. “Hundreds of thousands of people who were forced to leave their homes and communities demand no less,” said the CPP.

“Such NPA tactical offensives, on the other hand, accentuate the efforts of the incoming Duterte regime to conduct peace negotiations with the revolutionary forces,” said the CPP. “The raging people’s armed resistance in the countryside amplify the urgency of efforts to forge a political settlement of the war through peace talks.”

“Given the Duterte regime’s positive statements and initial efforts at alliance building, the CPP and NPA look forward to bright prospects of peace negotiations under the incoming government,” added the CPP.

The CPP has previously expressed openness to proposals to declare a ceasefire during the period of peace negotiations.

“The CPP can further consider scaling-down tactical offensives prior to resumption of formal peace negotiations and nationwide ceasefire in response to similar confidence-building measure of the incoming Duterte government including the release of key consultants of the NDFP,” said the CPP.