NDFP Renders Highest Honors to Ka Roger

tumblr_lsu93uUSE01qesnz6o1_1280The National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) again renders the highest honors to Ka Roger on the 47th anniversary of the New People’s Army (NPA). Ka Roger was an exemplary NPA Commander and the Spokesperson of the Communist Party of the Philippines. We also take this occcasion to honor the martyrs and heroes of the New People’s Army in all the 47 years of its service to the Filipino people in their revolutionary armed struggle against US imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism. We extend warmest congratulations to our people’s army for its many achievements and in a very special way at this time when the NPA is launching numerous tactical offensives against the reactionary regime’s military and paramilitary forces.

It is a most opportune moment to recall and celebrate the life, and outstanding service rendered by Ka Roger as the Filipino people march in his honor as his remains are laid to his resting place in his hometown. We likewise pay our respects to his family who joins in honoring his great legacy and memory.

For many years, from the time of the Marcos dictatorship, Ka Roger was loved by the people as he was known as the voice, the face and spirit of the revolutionary movement. He was an excellent communicator. He broadcast the line of the people’s movement most effectively, explained the various issues, even the most difficult ones, in the simplest and very undestandable way. Coming from the toiling masses and immersed in their situation, life and struggles, he understood their deepest feelings and aspirations. He was a favorite of media people. They loved to call him up and interview him.

His memory and inspiration lives on among the masses and the entire people. His life and service are imprinted in the hearts of the masses, in the entire people who unceasingly struggle for genuine land reform and national industrialization, for freedom and independence, and a just and lasting peace!

Long live the revolutionary spirit and inspiration of Ka Roger!
Long live the Filipino people!
Long live the Philippine Revolution!

Luis G. Jalandoni