NDFP Negotiating Panel welcomes Senator Mar Roxas’ peace proposals

Chairperson, NDFP Negotiating Panel

The Negotiating Panel of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines welcomes Senator Mar Roxas’ call to resume the GRP-NDFP peace negotiations. The NDFP is in favor of resuming the formal peace talks between the negotiating panels on the basis of The Hague Joint Declaration and other bilateral agreements.

Chairperson, NDFP Negotiating Panel

The Negotiating Panel of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines welcomes Senator Mar Roxas’ call to resume the GRP-NDFP peace negotiations. The NDFP is in favor of resuming the formal peace talks between the negotiating panels on the basis of The Hague Joint Declaration and other bilateral agreements.

Indeed the GRP precondition for a three-year ceasefire without negotiating the fundamental economic, social and political reforms needed to address the roots of the armed conflict is not tenable. It violates The Hague Joint Declaration and subsequent agreements which require that social, economic and political reforms be negotiated and agreed upon before the consideration of the end of hostilities and redisposition of forces.

The NDFP is open to holding exploratory talks as soon as possible with the objective of addressing and resolving the rampant extrajudicial killings and abductions and other human rights violations as well as the indemnification of victims of human rights violations

The NDFP’s position on the unjust “terrorist” listing is relatively simple and easy to carry out in accordance with obligations agreed upon in Oslo in 2004. The NDFP does not demand that the Arroyo government ask the US and other foreign governments to take the CPP, the NPA and the NDFP Chief Political Consultant off their “terrorist” lists. All that the NDFP is calling for is that the Arroyo government, together with the NDFP and the Filipino people, assert the inherent right of the Filipino people to make decisions on Philippine affairs and circumstances and declare that such listing by foreign governments violates the Filipino people’s right to national sovereignty.

The NDFP also proposes that the exploratory talks aim for a joint statement of principles, taking into consideration the NDFP Proposal for a Concise Agreement for an Immediate Just Peace.

Whatever help Senator Mar Roxas can extend towards the resumption of formal peace talks and the stopping of extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances will be appreciated by the NDFP.