NDFP Declaration of Undertaking to Apply the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and Protocol I of 1977

Published by the NDFP National Council
April 2005

It is of great importance and acute urgency that the Declaration of Undertaking to Apply the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and Protocol I of 1977, promulgated and issued by the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) on 5 July 1996, is once more published and distributed more widely than ever before, together with related documents.

The Declaration of Undertaking asserts and makes clear that all the revolutionary forces and people represented by the NDFP within and outside the framework of peace negotiations with the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) have a just cause and are well-grounded morally, politically and legally in engaging the GRP in a civil war as a legitimate national liberation movement, that they have the status of cobelligerent under international law and that they assume rights and responsibilities under the Geneva Conventions and its protocols.

From the Introduction written by Prof. Jose Maria Sison, NDFP Chief Political Consultant

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