NDFP congratulates Comrade Prachanda on his election as Prime Minister of Nepal

By NDFP National Council 

Your Excellency Prime Minister Prachanda,

The National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) extends to you, the Nepali people and the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) our warmest greetings of solidarity and comradeship on your historic election as the first Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal.

We hail this as a great achievement in the series of victories in pursuing the general line of new democratic revolution through people's war. Because of their revolutionary armed strength, the Nepali people and your Party under your leadership have been able to successfully undertake a series of political actions (including peace negotiations, alliance work, mass uprising and parliamentary struggle) to cause the overthrow of the royalty and the establishment of the republic. 

We have high hopes that under your leadership as prime minister the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) and the Nepali masses will continue to build on their accumulated revolutionary victories. We look forward to the accomplishment of reforms that will strengthen national independence, realize the democratic restructuring of the state and army, bring about land reform and develop national industrialization, promote a national, scientific and mass culture and advance an independent foreign policy for peace and development.

We wish that the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal become a strong base of revolutionary internationalism and anti-imperialist solidarity of the peoples of the world.

In our revolutionary struggle in the Philippines, we draw inspiration and learn concrete lessons from your revolutionary victories. The Filipino people are determined to persevere in their struggle for national and social liberation against US imperialism and the local reactionaries headed by the fascist and corrupt Arroyo regime. 

We wish you, the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) and the Nepali people ever greater victories!

National Council
National Democratic Front of the Philippines