The National Democratic Front of the Philippines conveys its warmest felicitations of comradeship to the Workers’ Party of Korea on its glorious 75th Anniversary.
We join you in celebrating 75 years of revolutionary struggle and inspiring victories in winning your independence, national and social liberation, and national sovereignty. We join you in giving the greatest honors to your great Founder and Leader, Comrade Kim Il Sung. His leadership and great victories continue to inspire the heroic people of Korea and other peoples throughout the world.
We join you also in rendering high honors to your Dear Leader, Kim Jong Il, who followed the great legacy and furthered the achievements of Comrade Kim Il Sung. He led the valiant people of Korea in overcoming the threats of US imperialism, the huge agricultural problems, and leading the country to victory in strengthening the country’s economy. He pursued the great struggle for the unity of the people of Korea.

We further congratulate the heroic people of Korea for the great victories they have achieved under the leadership of Kim Jong Un. His leadership has achieved the capacity to effectively counter the threats of US imperialism. At the same time, he has further raised the economic strength and stability of the country. He has further pursued the ideal of uniting the entire people of Korea.
Again, to the heroic people of Korea, to their great leaders from Kim Il Sung, to Kim Jong Il and currently Kim Jong Un, warmest congratulations on the great victories of the Workers’ Party of Korea on its 75th Founding Anniversary!
May your revolutionary struggle and victories further strengthen the international solidarity among revolutionary, anti-imperialist and progressive forces!
May the revolutionary solidarity between the heroic people of Korea and the valiant people of the Philippines remain strong and become even stronger!
In revolutionary solidarity,
Luis G. Jalandoni
Chief International Representative
Member, National Executive Committee
Natonal Democratic Front of the Philippines