Chief International Representative
National Democratic Front of the Philippines
On behalf of the 18 allied revolutionary organizations of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines and the revolutionary people of the Philippines, I wish to extend my warmest greetings of revolutionary solidarity to the delegates and guests of the 2014 Ard-Fheis of the Republican Sinn Féin!
We salute your perseverance in militantly upholding the right of the Irish people for national liberation against the continued British occupation in Ireland. The RSF has been victorious in organizing itself in the 32 Counties, keeping the revolutionary flame of Irish Republicanism burning throughout Ireland, despite the many difficulties you have faced in the last almost three decades.
The Ard-Fheis is an opportune moment to celebrate the victories achieved in the past year, and to recognize the weaknesses which need to be addressed. We wish you success in drawing up plans for the coming year, always making a step closer to realizing the New Ireland – Éire Nua.
Like the Irish people, the Filipino people are also engaged in a life-and-death struggle for national and social liberation, in our case against US imperialism and the local exploiting classes of landlords and comprador big bourgeoisie. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of the Philippines, the New People’s Army, the NDFP and the revolutionary masses are now operating in 71 out of the 81 provinces of the country.
In villages all over the countryside, organizations of peasants, fisherfolk, women, youth, indigenous peoples, children, and other sectors are formed as the foundations of Red political power in the villages and towns. Various committees are formed to implement programs for land reform, livelihood, education, health, defense, and justice. These revolutionary organizations and local organs of Red power now cover several millions of the Filipino population. In the town centers and urban areas, organizations of the revolutionary workers, women, youth, and professionals carry out militant mass actions and strongly demand reforms from the reactionary government, and at the same time spread the good news about the armed revolutionary movement raging in the countryside.
The New People’s Army strikes against the military and police machineries of the ruling classes. The NPA’s tactical offensives are aimed at annihilating and harassing armed enemy units, weakening it strategically, as well as confiscating weapons from the enemy in order to strengthen itself strategically.
Our common struggle against imperialism – US and UK – offers excellent opportunities for solidarity and cooperation. We look forward to greater unity between our peoples and mutual support in this common struggle. We hope that the 2014 Ard-Fheis will translate to greater victories for the RSF and the Irish people, in our collective march for freedom from imperialist domination, towards a democratic republic, and a socialist future.
Victory to the 2014 Ard-Fheis!
Long live the Republican Sinn Féin!
Long live the solidarity between the Filipino and Irish peoples!
Long live international anti-imperialist solidarity!