Message to the National Democratic Front of the Philippines on the occasion of its 32nd anniversary

Member, NDFP National Executive Committee
Chairperson, NDFP Negotiating Panel

On the 32nd anniversary of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP), I wish to convey my heartfelt congratulations to all the seventeen revolutionary organizations allied within the NDFP for thirty two years of revolutionary struggle.

I join you on this auspicious occasion in honoring our numerous martyrs and heroes who dedicated their lives in the service of the people. I wish to especially mention Comrade Antonio Zumel, the first chairperson of the NDFP. When he died on August 13, 2001, he was the honorary NDFP chairperson and senior adviser of the NDFP Negotiating Panel. He and all our other martyrs and heroes continue to inspire us in carrying out our revolutionary tasks.

Last month, Comrade Coni Ledesma and I attended a commemoration for a Chilean woman leader. At the end of the commemoration, the Latin American revolutionaries and progressives present shouted: "Companera Gladys Marin! Presente! Presente! Presente! Ahora y Siempre!" Indeed our martyrs and heroes are present now and for always to inspire us and generations of revolutionaries to come!

Born in the early years of the fascist Marcos dictatorship in the wake of the First Great Rectification Movement, the NDFP now strengthened through thirty two years of revolutionary struggle and following the resounding success of the Second Great Rectification Movement, confronts the escalating fascism of the Macapagal-Arroyo regime and the increasing military intervention of US imperialism.

The fruit of thirty two years of revolutionary struggle, all over the country, in the thousands of barrios and hundreds of towns, the thousands of New People's Army Red fighters and people's militia, the organs of political power and the revolutionary mass organizations in the grassroots, these constitute the solid foundation for further consolidating and expanding our revolutionary forces.

The murderous regime has gone wild in unleashing its military, police and paramilitary forces to attack the people. Arrogant towards the people, it is totally subservient to US imperialism. As in the case of the Marcos dictatorship and the corrupt Estrada regime, the Macapagal-Arroyo regime will face the people's wrath. Even now, it is confronted with militant widespread demonstrations because of its anti-people and anti-national policies. A broad united front, together with the people's war being waged throughout the archipelago, is the powerful weapon of the Filipino people against fascism and US military intervention.

To all seventeen revolutionary organizations allied within the NDFP, I wish many more revolutionary gains and victories in the service of the people!

Mabuhay ang Pambansang Demokratikong Prente ng Pilipinas!

Mabuhay ang ating mga martir at bayani!

Mabuhay ang sambayanang Pilipino!