Central Committee
Communist Party of the Philippines
The CPP salutes the CPN(M) for its great victories in the people's war. In less than ten years after the initiation of the armed struggle, the CPN(M) had succeeded in liberating most of the countryside from the clutches of feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism, projected itself as a force to reckon with nationwide, developed the people's liberation army without which the people have nothing, combated repression by the brutal monarchy, and built revolutionary base areas and democratic organs of political power.
Central Committee
Communist Party of the Philippines
The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) extends its warmest fraternal greetings of solidarity to the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) – CPN(M) – on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of the launching of the people's war.
The CPP salutes the CPN(M) for its great victories in the people's war. In less than ten years after the initiation of the armed struggle, the CPN(M) had succeeded in liberating most of the countryside from the clutches of feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism, projected itself as a force to reckon with nationwide, developed the people's liberation army without which the people have nothing, combated repression by the brutal monarchy, and built revolutionary base areas and democratic organs of political power.
The great victories achieved in the people's war laid the foundation for the successful people's uprising in April 2006 which restored parliamentary rule, brought to power the Seven Party Alliance with the CPN(M) as a leading component, and transformed Nepal by law from a monarchy to a republic and the royal army to a national army.
We agree with the CPN(M) that Nepal is currently in period of transition that is fraught with opportunities and dangers. The constituent assembly elections scheduled in April 2008 to which all political forces seem to be pinning their hopes for stability in Nepal, would most likely lead to a sharpening of the contradictions within Nepali society. We hope that the CPN(M) would be in an advantageous position to meet the challenges of the new situation.
We wish the CPN(M) more victories in leading the Nepali working class and people to achieve their aspirations for the establishment of a people's democratic republic in Nepal.
Long live the CPN(M)!
Long live the fraternal relations between the CPN(M) and the CPP!
Long live proletarian internationalism!