Message of Congratulations to the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) and the Nepali People for victory in the Constituent Assembly Elections
By NDFP National Council
This significant victory ushers in a new stage in the struggle of the Nepali working class and people to bring the new democratic revolution through to final victory. It has been made possible by the glorious victories achieved in the ten years of people’s war when the CPN (Maoist) built the mass organizations, the people’s liberation army, the organs of political power and revolutionary base areas in the countryside, and succeeded in winning the peasant masses and all the working people and the middle social strata to the side of the new democratic revolution.
Message of Congratulations to the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) and the Nepali People for victory in the Constituent Assembly Elections
By NDFP National Council
The National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP), including its allied organizations and the local organs of political power, extends its warmest greetings of congratulations to the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) and the Nepali people for their victory in the elections for the Constituent Assembly.
This significant victory ushers in a new stage in the struggle of the Nepali working class and people to bring the new democratic revolution through to final victory. It has been made possible by the glorious victories achieved in the ten years of people’s war when the CPN (Maoist) built the mass organizations, the people’s liberation army, the organs of political power and revolutionary base areas in the countryside, and succeeded in winning the peasant masses and all the working people and the middle social strata to the side of the new democratic revolution.
With the CPN (Maoist) at the helm of a new government that will forge a new constitution meant to abolish the monarchy and bring about a democratic federal republic, the Nepali working class and people have a golden opportunity to carry out basic democratic reforms in the political, social, economic and cultural life of Nepal, as well as in its international relations and march forward towards the complete victory of the new democratic revolution.
The new government has to implement genuine agrarian reform and national industrialization to ensure the development of a self-reliant and progressive economy that would benefit the peasant masses, all the working people and the entire nation, while taking steps to remove all kinds of oppression and discrimination against the lower classes and caste, women and ethnic communities.
All these basic reforms have to be carried out while powerful enemies of the new democratic revolution are still embedded in the bureaucratic and military apparatuses of the state. This would require extreme vigilance and determined efforts of the CPN (Maoist) and the people to re-orient and restructure the government and the army.
We wish the CPN (Maoist) and the Nepali people utmost success in their endeavor to carry the new democratic revolution forward. This entails the leadership of the CPN (Maoist) as the advanced detachment of the working class, building on the accomplishments attained through people's war and other forms of struggle and relying on the basic worker-peasant alliance as the foundation of still broader alliances in the struggle for greater national independence, democracy, social justice, development and peace.
We hope that the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) and the Nepali people will play a major role in promoting the national and social liberation of oppressed nations and peoples against imperialism and reaction. We of the National Democratic Front are ever ready and willing to maintain and develop revolutionary solidarity and close relations of cooperation and mutual support with the CPN (Maoist) and the Nepali people.