Message of condolence to the family, comrades and friends of Ka Douglas Dumanon

Douglas Dumanon: A brave and committed activist, servant and hero of the Filipino workers and people

By NDFP Negotiating Panel

The National Democratic Front of the Philippines Negotiating Panel condoles with the family, comrades and friends of Ka Douglas Dumanon – committed activist, servant of the masses and hero of the Filipino working class and other oppressed people.

A stalwart of the genuine, militant, and anti-imperialist trade union, the Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU), Ka Douglas stood firm for the national democratic interests of the Filipino people. He vigorously defended and advanced the national democratic struggle with a socialist perspective against those who would put the Filipino worker’s movement and the people’s movement on the path of capitulation, defeat and subjugation to the imperialists and local ruling classes.

His time with the KMU and with the urban poor organization KADAMAY shall be remembered by comrades and friends as that of selfless service and revolutionary fervor. Like fellow martyr of the working people, Crispin “Ka Bel” Beltran, Ka Douglas shall serve as inspiration to countless more activists and revolutionaries.

We remember well when he helped our negotiating panel in the discussions and formulation of the draft agreement on social and economic reforms, especially on the topic of workers' rights. He also went to different countries in Europe to develop international cooperation between the workers' movement in these countries with the Philippine workers' movement.

He was strong and steadfast in his principles. Until his death, Ka Douglas was a brave warrior.

He bravely battled the cancer that started in his throat caused by the constant inhalation of the smoke and deadly fumes coming from the mountains of garbage in Payatas where he conducted his organizing work. Despite his illness and the changes it brought to his body, Ka Douglas would still go to important events and mass actions of the Filipino workers and people.

He fought cancer until his death. He fought most of all the malignant cancer of Philippine society throughout his life. Ka Douglas may have succumbed to the ravages of his illness but he never gave up on the struggle of his beloved people for freedom, democracy, justice, human rights and peace.

This is how the people will remember Ka Douglas. Through the continued advancement of the people’s revolutionary ideals, the legacy of Ka Douglas will live and be honored, hanggang sa tagumpay.

Mabuhay ka Ka Douglas, bayani ng uring manggagawa!

Mabuhay ang manggagawang Pilipino!

Mabuhay ang sambayanan!