Message from the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist)

ImageDear Comrades,

We are writing to express our joy and solidarity with you in your celebration of both the anniversary of 50 years of revolutionary struggle and the approaching 70th birthday of our esteemed comrade Jose Maria Sison.

Professor Jose Maria Sison has given all his strength, intellect and even his liberty at times to the service of not just the struggling Filipino masses but to the oppressed of the whole world.

There are times in history when leaders come to the fore and stand head and shoulders above those around them. Comrade Sison is such a leader and we ask you to accept our sincere message of gratitude to yourselves for marking these important anniversaries of a Marxist revolutionary leader and wise teacher, a celebrated author and inspirational poet. Comrade Sison has earned our respect and love over the years and we can only hope that he will continue to do so for many, many more years.

In comradeship,


Harpal Brar

Ella Rule

Zane Carpenter
General Secretary