Liberation International, Jan – Mar 2013

LI_31march2013c_coverOn the occasion of the 44th Founding Anniversary of the New People’s Army

NPA to intensify armed offensives, increase mass base

By Roselle Valerio

The Communist Party of the Philippines on 29 March called on the New People’s Army to intensify its armed offensives against the US puppet government of Benigno Aquino III and to realize the plan to advance to a strategic stalemate against the reactionary state. In a message released on the occasion of the NPA’s 44th founding anniversary, the CPP also called on the NPA to gain the support of Filipinos and other friendly forces abroad.

Other stories:

  • Destroyers of environment, exploiters of workers punished by NPA
  • Developing the people’s militia
  • Revolutionary forces launch relief & rehabilitation campaign
  • Noynoying, while Sabah burns
  • Tribunal condemns migrants rights violations, calls for GFMD abolition
  • Costs & Resistance: Iraq 10 years after US invasion
  • Women mark International Women’s Day, renew commitment for militant struggles
  • Amsterdam peace talks scuttled by Aquino officials
  • NDFP celebrates 40th Founding Anniversary

Download Liberation International, Jan – Mar 2013 issue