Liberation International, Jan – Mar 2011

LI_Jan-Mar2011_coverOn the occasion of the 42nd anniversary of the New People’s Army

Raising the armed struggle to a higher stage

By Roselle Valerio

The 42nd anniversary of the New People’s Army on 29 March became an occasion for the Filipino people and revolutionaries around the world to celebrate the victories of the armed struggle in the Philippines in the past year against the mercenary armed forces of the US-Aquino government. Various revolutionary organizations, including the Communist Party of the Philippines and local organs of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines, sent their messages of solidarity and congratulations to the Red fighters and commanders of the NPA, exhorting them to persevere more in the coming years as the people’s war marches towards the stage of strategic stalemate.

Other stories:

  • NDFP condemns imperialist war of aggression against Libya and Libyan people
  • Peace negotiations between the NDFP and Manila government resume after seven years
  • Students launch protest actions against government plan to cut education budget
  • Prof. Jose Maria Sison: On the centennial of the First International Toiling Women’s Day
  • Migrants expose pro-imperialist Global Forum on Migration and Development
  • Wikileaks cables further expose United States as world’s leading rogue state
  • Filipino, Maori peoples weave closer ties
  • NDFP visits New Zealand and Australia, meets with government officials and members of non-government groups

Download Liberation International, Jan – Mar 2011