Kabataang Makabayan (KM, Patriotic Youth) salutes the examples and inspiration of Jevilyn Cullamat, and our revolutionary heroes and marytrs!

Kabataang Makabayan Statement

30 November 2020

On this day, November 30, the revolutionary movement and youth pay tribute to Katipunan supremo Gat Andres Bonifacio (1863-1897), who led the armed revolution, and paved the way for the liberation of the Philippines, against Spanish colonialism and oppression.

On this day too, we joyously celebrate the 56th founding anniversary of the Kabataang Makabayan, on the inspiration of Andres Bonifacio, and other young leaders of the national democratic armed revolution whose noble goal was to free the motherland from foreign oppression and achieve democracy and peace.

These young Filipino revolutionary leaders were also reviled and demonized during their time. Like Duterte, the NTF-ELCAC and the AFP today, then Filipino traitors who collaborated with the Spanish colonialists and American imperialists, called them bandits, subversives and terrorists.

To hide their blatant treachery and betrayal of the interests of the Filipino people, the reactionary ruling class today rabidly loyal to US imperialism and their US-trained and funded fascist police and army continue to pay lip-service to their heroism, giving rhetorical praises to these young revolutionaries.

Today, we render our highest tribute to the most recent martyr of the revolutionary movement and youth, Comrade Jevilyn Cullamat, a 22-year old lumad woman and youth belonging to the Manobo indigenous peoples, who joined the ranks of the revolutionary warriors of the New People’s Army (NPA), who was killed by fascist soldiers last November 28 in Mindanao island.

Her heroism exemplifies the pristine commitment and selfless dedication of all Filipino revolutionary youth in their common desire to achieve national freedom, democracy, social justice, development and peace. Jevilyn saw what these noble goals are and meant, especially for her indigenous community which continue to be brutally and violently attacked by Duterte’s terrorist Armed Forces of the Philippines and their paramilitary groups.

She herself is a young witness to how their lands are being grabbed, communities and schools demolished, organizations red-tagged and community leaders and members killed in cold blood by the regime’s fascist minions.

She was recruited to the revolutionary cause not by any organization or NGO that are commonly red-tagged, but by Duterte, the billion-peso-funded rumor-mongers in the NTF-ELCAC, and the fascist AFP which continue to kill her people, close down their schools, condone and protect the rapists and landgrabbers of their ancestral lands, and deny her generation of a future.

The fascists and the enemies of the Filipino people can call Jevilyn and other young martyred revolutionaries, and the New People’s Army (NPA) bandits, subversives and terrorists, but thousands more of the Filipino youth are willing and ready to follow the revolutionary path.

Jevilyn and other contemporary young heroes of the revolutionary movement stand shiningly alongside the Filipino people’s young illustrious heroes –

Andres Bonifacio (33 years old)

Jose Rizal (34 years old)

Emilio Jacinto (23 years old)

Gen. Gregorio del Pilar (24 years old)

Gen. Macario Sakay (29 years old)

Gabriela Silang (32 years old)

Ma. Lorena Barros (28 years old)

Emmanuel Lacaba (27 years old)

Lucio de Guzman (32 years old)

Edgar Jopson (34 years old)

Wendell Gumban (30 years old)

Recca Noelle Monte (33 years old)

Melito Glor (24 years old)

Rosario Lodronio Rosal (21 years old)……………………………………………………………………………………..


Achieve national freedom, democracy, social justice, development and peace!

Andres Bonifacio – Viva, Presente!

People’s democratic revolution – Viva, Presente!

Kabataang Makabayan – Viva, Presente!

CPP-NPA-NDF – Viva, Presente!

Overthrow the terrorist US-Duterte-AFP-PNP regime!

Kabataang Makabayan Europe

30 November 2020