I was a guest in a recent international webinar on the wanton violations of human rights and the rampant use of Oplan Tokhang methods by the military and police minions of the Duterte regime to torture and murder NDFP political consultants, social activists, human rights defenders and indigenous people .
Other speakers and inquirers from the listening public brought up the point that there is a strong public clamorfor the revival of the armed city partisan units of the New People’s Army in order to obtain justice for the victims of the fascist brutality of the Duterte tyranny and to punish the most notorious human rights violators and the most corrupt officials of the regime.
I acknowledged the fact that there had been such a strong public clamor since 2016 when the broad masses of the people were offended by the mass murder of suspected street-level users of illegal drugs and by Duterte’s failure to fulfill his promise to amnesty and release all political prisoners and by his declaration of an all-out war policy even before the GRP-NDFP peace negotiations could start in earnest.
Although I acknowledged the public clamor during the webinar, I was careful to state that it is the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines that decides such questions concerning the nationwide revival of the armed city partisans and I referred to the publications of the CPP and the statements of Marco Valbuena, CPP spokesman, that the CPP is really concerned about the brutal extrajudical killings being done by the military and police under the direction of the chief butcher Duterte.
The CPP and the NPA have published their stand that there is just cause for the revival of armed city partisans to render justice to the victims of the fascist terrorism of the Duterte regime, punish the notorious human rights violators as well as the corrupt officials of the regime and respond promptly to Duterte’s scheme to wipe out all kinds of legal opposition and democratic organizations and to rule as fascist dictator beyond 2022 or else install his own daughter as successor by rigging the 2022 presidential elections if any.
I have also learned from CPP publications that it is just and sound to adopt as major tactics to generate and deploy armed city partisan units not only to punish notorious human rights violators and corrupt government officials but also to disable or destroy major installations in the trunklines of the ruling system as well as major installations of mining, plantation and logging companies in order to compel the reactionary military and police to be on the defensive and reduce the number of enemy forces attacking the guerrilla fronts.
When someone from the listening public asked whether urban insurrectionism will be revived, despite its rejection by the Second Great Rectification Movement, I answered that on the basis of its publications the CPP has no intention of abandoning its strategic line of protracted people’s war which involves accumulating political and armed strength in the countryside and encircling the cities until these become ripe for the overthrow of the reactionary state by a general offensive.
I made the observation that the CPP is trying to realize its announced objective of making the reactionary state bleed from countless wounds inflicted by the tactical offensives of the rural-based forces of the NPA as well as by armed city partisans and demolition teams. But I also think that Duterte himself is doing his best to ruin the ruling system with his acts of treason, tyranny, butchery and corruption.
Even before the CPP, NPA and the people could realize their full revolutionary potential, the Duterte fascist regime has already bankrupted the Philippine economy and his own government and is driving the people to take the road of armed revolution by escalating oppression and exploitation and aggravating the conditions of underdevelopment, unemployment and mass poverty. ###