
Philippines at the precipice of inter-imperialist war


As US imperialist war provocations against China continue to escalate, the Philippines finds itself precariously positioned at the precipice of an imminent war. The recent intensification of US military operations in the archipelago, exemplified by the Balikatan war games and the recently concluded aerial war exercises underscore how the US government is preparing the Philippines as its forward military base in an expansive war front against imperialist China.

The IPT Verdict: the international community is watching


Guilty verdict ignites further international attention and campaign versus the US-Marcos regime’s war crimes, and strengthens international solidarity for the Filipino people’s resistance The verdict of the recently concluded International People’s Tribunal (IPT) declared the US-Marcos and Duterte regimes and the US government guilty of war crimes and grave violations of international humanitarian law. It

War crime victims bear witness to US-directed Marcos and Duterte atrocities in the Philippines


On May 18, 2024, the International People’s Tribunal (IPT) issued a guilty verdict to Ferdinand Marcos Jr., Rodrigo Duterte, the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and Joseph Biden representing the United States government for war crimes against the Filipino people and violations of international humanitarian law (IHL). The guilty verdict of the