By Prospero F. Agudo
Jovencio Balweg
Alan Jazmines
Eduardo O. Sarmiento
Eduardo R. Serrano
We, political prisoners at Camp Crame who espouse the national democratic aspirations and struggle of the Filipino people, greet the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) on the 38th anniversary of its formal founding, this April 24, 2011. The first building blocks of the alliance had actually emerged earlier — almost half a century ago — and have gained solid ground with the advance of the national democratic revolution for more than four decades to date.
The NDFP has since remained as the foremost peoples' patriotic and progressive alliance at the forefront of the struggle against foreign imperialism and domestic feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism.
The Filipino people, especially the most exploited and oppressed among them — the workers, peasants, national minorities, women and various sections of the intelligentsia — are determined to pursue to completion the national democratic revolution and establish a sovereign, democratic, pro-people, just and progressive socio-economic-political order in the country.
We fully support the NDFP and the Filipino people in their determined revolutionary struggle.
Long live the NDFP!
Victory to the NDFP and the struggle for national democracy!
Victory to the Filipino people and the Philippine revolution!