Statement of Compatriots-NDFP on the 56th anniversary of the Communist Party of the Philippines
Compatriots-NDFP celebrates 56 years of resolute leadership by the Communist Party of the Philippines in waging the unfinished revolution for national and social liberation in the Philippines. As the revolutionary allied organization of the National Democratic Front representing Filipinos overseas, we wholeheartedly take up the call by the Party to learn from our past experiences and decisively rectify our own errors to more boldly consolidate and expand our ranks in contribution to the national democratic revolution in the Philippines.
We continue to take inspiration from the cadres who decisively reestablished proletarian leadership over the Philippine revolution 56 years ago. Under the banner of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, the CPP waged the First Great Rectification Movement to repudiate the old leadership of the Party, which had long veered away from the correct path. It went on to successfully wage the Second Great Rectification Movement to overcome a period of disorientation pushed by certain revisionist ringleaders. This year, the Party has once again called on all revolutionary forces to continue relentlessly taking up the Third Rectification Movement. All chapters of Compatriots-NDFP commit ourselves to this ideological campaign, and to all revolutionary tasks laid out for us by the Party in order to overcome present weaknesses and reach new heights.
The necessity to advance the rectification movement has never been clearer. In the lead up to the midterm elections in May 2025, the economic and political crisis in the Philippines has reached new heights. Both the Marcos and Duterte clans have bared their fangs, and are fighting to capture as much of the bureaucracy as possible to extort the Filipino masses of the nation’s wealth through massive corruption schemes. This stolen wealth comes at the expense of the Filipino masses, who struggle against worsening inflation, lack of regular work that pays a living wage for our families, and acute landlessness throughout the archipelago. And when the people rise up in protest of these conditions, the state cracks down with fascist attacks in violation of international humanitarian law, especially in the countryside. Meanwhile, US imperialism readily feeds the fascist Marcos regime with hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid, and even more in military equipment and weapons, so that it can hasten the puppet state’s transition from “internal defense” to “external defense” against its main rival, China.
As Filipinos overseas, we know all too well the impacts of these crises. The deteriorating state of the Philippine economy and refusal of the US-Marcos regime to do anything but broker more agreements and policies that commodify Filipino labor as economic and political bargaining chips has pushed increasing numbers of Filipinos abroad. And while the government pays lip service to helping overseas Filipinos in distress – even taking credit for the return of trafficking victim Mary Jane Veloso to the Philippines – we know that it is the Philippine government itself that is the biggest recruitment agency and trafficker of Filipino migrants. From North America to Southeast Asia to Europe to the Middle East, the Marcos regime has done little to nothing to genuinely and actively address the needs of trafficking victims and those at risk of being targeted by unjust policies of host countries, such as mass deportation.
The only solution to the problems of Filipinos overseas is to tackle them at the roots. We must upend the semi-colonial and semi-feudal character of Philippine society, and it is only through a people’s democratic revolution under the leadership of the CPP that this can be achieved. Since the Party called for the Third Rectification on its 55th anniversary, Compatriots-NDFP has taken seriously the task to expand and consolidate its ranks across the entire world. In commemorating this 56th anniversary, we will strive to multiply in ever greater numbers and broaden the revolutionary ranks among Filipinos overseas. And the only way to do this is by undertaking untiring mass work among the masses of overseas compatriots and intensifying our fight against state neglect, fascist counterinsurgency operations, and US imperialist intervention that threatens to drag our entire country into war.
Under the leadership of the CPP, we Filipinos overseas – no matter how far away from our motherland – have a guiding light that weaves together our fight with the entire Filipino nation’s struggle for national sovereignty, genuine democracy, and for a country to which we can return home and to be with our family.
Filipinos overseas, join the revolutionary mass movement for genuine justice, peace and democracy in the Philippines!
Raise high the red flag! Rectify and advance!
Red salute to our revolutionary Compatriots!
Long live the Communist Party of the Philippines!