Desperate Panabo police arrests and mauls two civilians, presents them as NPAs

Spokesperson, Amoran Saripada Command
Front 52 Operations Command
NPA-Southern Mindanao

Humiliated, paranoid and obviously reeling from the impact of the New People's Army raid at their police headquarters, the criminal Panabo City police arrested and severely mauled civilians Toto Ancahas and Gerald Robles last week, and presented them to the media as petty criminals-turned-members of the New People's Army.

Gerard Robles, on parole after serving in the nearby Davao Penal Colony rehabilitation center, earned the ire of the Panabo police after he refused to cooperate and join a police-masterminded extortion and illegal drugs racket and armed robbery. Toto Ancahas was placed on the Philippine National Police Panabo wanted list after he brought the bail bond to the local reactionary court on behalf of the families of four arrested NPA members last 2009.

The arrest of the two civilians shows the desperation of the PNP Panabo to deodorize its criminal image as a protector of underground syndicates and mastermind of the wave of criminal activities in the city. Hyped as the public safety battalion, the PNP is wanting to score "pogi" (brownie) points against the people's army following the 19 March NPA punitive action against the criminal Panabo police force. Also last month, the Panabo police has indiscriminately strafed two civilians onboard a van parked near the police station, wounding a woman who is now in jail.

If the claims of the Panabo police were true that civilians Ancahas and Robles are set to liquidate police personnel and CSU members who are connected to armed robbery and illegal drugs, then understandably, Panabo Police Chief Supt Alexander Serrano Jr. must be at the height of paranoia. One, because the criminal Panabo PNP is further exposed as coddlers of criminals, if not, are in fact hoodlums in uniforms; and second, because the civilians have taken it upon themselves to act against the criminal PNP Panabo police.