Denounce docking of USS Washington

By Communist Party of the Philippines

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) denounces the arrival and docking of US aircraft carrier USS Washington at Manila Bay.

The USS Washington, which docked yesterday, is one of the biggest US warships and its arrival constitutes a grave affront on Philippine territorial integrity. The unrestricted use by US military forces of Philippine territorial waters underscores the absence of genuine national freedom and the complicity of the Philippine puppet state in US military interventionism.

Amid the uproar over the brutal killing last October 12 of Filipino Jennifer Laude by a US serviceman, the arrival of the USS Washington brings to the fore the US imperialists’ gross contempt of Philippine sovereignty and national dignity.

In an ill-disguised attempt to relegate to the sidelines the bitterness generated by Laude’s killing, the US Embassy seized on the USS Washington’s arrival to cite how many pieces of bottled water and other supplies the warship brought to affected areas in the wake of the devastation caused by supertyphoon Yolanda (Haiyan) last year.

This disgusting tack illustrates to the Filipino people how the US government exploited global humanitarian efforts in order to bring its warships into the shores of Samar and Leyte and strengthen its military’s foothold on Eastern Visayas. Months after the humanitarian disaster, US navy ships and fighter planes continue to operate in Guiuan, Eastern Samar.

The US military engages in “disaster interventionism” to enable it to make extra-sovereign claims on Philippine territorial waters and further entrench its forces in the Asia-Pacific region.