CPP denounces secret meeting of US and GRP defense officials

By CPP Information Bureau

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today charged the Obama regime of plotting to intensify US military intervention in the Philippines in the twilight of its puppet regime amid the highly volatile situation in the runup to the May 2010 elections. US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Garry Reid arrived in Manila on Wednesday and met secretly with officials of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP), Department of National Defense (DND) undersecretary Antonio Romero, DND undersecretary Arturo Lumibao and other senior security and military officials of the Arroyo regime.

"US imperialism and its defense and security officials are gravely concerned with the continued growth of the Filipino people's revolutionary armed struggle and the failure of the terminal US-designed Internal Security Operation Plan Bantay Laya to defeat or even cripple the revolutionary movement in the Philippines," said the CPP. "The Obama administration has also become highly concerned with the volatility of the present elections in the Philippines and the possibility of recourse to military rule to support the extension of the Arroyo puppet regime and suppress the people's resistance."

"The US military has long been providing military aid and advice to the puppet reactionary government in the effort to fight the revolutionary movement and suppress the broad anti-imperialist forces of the Filipino people. It maintains the loyalty of the puppet armed forces in order to continue using the Philippines as a staging point for the US military forces in the Asia-Pacific Region," the CPP added.

Since 2001, the US military has been maintaining a 600-strong contingent based in Western Mindanao under the US Pacific Command.

The CPP stated that "In the secret meeting, the US defense official is expected to inquire about the Armed Forces of the Philippines' (AFP) implementation of the US-designed Oplan Bantay Laya with the objective of determining further areas of military advice, assistance, coordination and even more direct means of intervention."

"The US imperialists are plotting increasing military intervention especially in the face of CPP's declaration to step up its guerrilla warfare and reach the stage of strategic stalemate in its people's war within the next five years."

"Reid's visit also has the objective of sizing up the puppet military and identifying points of intervention in the face of a possible breakdown of the electoral process on May 10," the CPP added.

"The CPP denounces US interventionism and its surreptitious involvement in the counter-revolutionary war of the reactionary regime to suppress the people's revolutionary resistance and intervene in the political and military affairs of the country. The US is increasingly meddling in the raging civil war in the Philippines and setting the stage for another Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan or Haiti."