a fortnightly publication of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines
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CPP condemns US meddling & subversion in Venezuela

The Communist Party of the Philippines has strongly condemned the US government’s blatant political meddling, and together with the Filipino people, stand in solidarity with the Venezuelan people.

The CPP in a statement on August 8, 2024, said the US is colluding with puppet opposition groups in Venezuela and the Western media, to promote images of widespread fraud during the recent elections which saw the overwhelming re-election of Bolivarian anti-imperialist Nicolas Maduro as the country’s president.

The CPP said that not even the team of US election observers sent to Venezuela during the elections could prove the US’ and Western media’s claim of widespread fraud.

“As in 2019, the US has brazenly claimed the power to declare the opposition candidate as the new president of Venezuela. It is funding pocket riots in an attempt to destabilize the situation and ignite an upheaval. It has mobilized its global psywar machine to prop up support for its intervention,” the CPP said.

The US has long been undermining Venezuela with unilaterally imposed economic sanctions and has repeatedly attempted, but failed, to assassinate Maduro and overthrow his government. The US’ evil agenda is to replace it with a regime that will bring back neoliberal economic policies, US monopoly capitalist control of Venezuela’s oil reserves, and other privileges for US corporations.

The Maduro government, however, has stood firm, and continues to rally the support of many anti-US imperialist countries in Latin America and all over the world, including national liberation movements like in the Philippines, led by the CPP and the NDFP.

“Venezuela remains one of the cornerstones of resistance to US imperialism in Latin America. The Venezuelan people’s resistance inspires militance and fires the people’s determination across the world to fight US imperialist domination,” the CPP  emphasized.