NDFP Chief International Representative
The National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) is deeply saddened by the death of Indonesian comrade Soedirdjo Harsono. We convey our heartfelt condolences to his comrade wife, Darmini Diran H., his family, numerous comrades and friends. Comrade Harsono died on 21 August 2009 after a lingering illness at the age of 88. His burial was held on 27 August 2009, attended by hundreds of comrades and friends from Indonesia, The Netherlands, the Philippines, Germany and other countries.
Comrade Harsono was an exemplary Indonesian comrade, a proletarian revolutionary and internationalist. He was active as a trade union leader in Indonesia and was assigned in 1964 as Labor Attaché of the Sukarno government to the Republic of Cuba. In the 1970s he lived and worked in The Netherlands, participating regularly in internationalist activities in support of the Indonesian, Filipino, Cuban, Palestinian, Iranian peoples, and other oppressed and struggling peoples.
The NDFP has fond memories of Comrades Harsono and Darmini, actively participating in solidarity activities for the Filipino people, holding up high the banners of the Filipino struggle, pasting solidarity posters, attending forums, and, despite their meagre income, regularly contributing to the revolutionary struggle for so many years.
Comrades Harsono and Darmini were also regular participants in international conferences, marches and rallies, forums and other solidarity activities which condemned imperialism and declared militant support for the revolutionary, anti-imperialist and progressive struggles of the peoples of the world.
The NDFP cherishes the memory of Comrade Harsono. He is a shining example of revolutionary dedication and selfless service to the Indonesian people, the Filipino people and other struggling peoples. He was a model of humility and simplicity. He had a very gentle and acceptable method of conveying comradely criticism. In whatever way possible, he would help in solidarity work.
He and Comrade Darmini would work tirelessly preparing food at international conferences and they could also be representatives of the revolutionary organization. Whatever task Comrade Harsono carried out, he exuded, in his own quiet manner, the true spirit of proletarian internationalism.
Comrade Harsono will be an abiding source of inspiration for the Filipino people, the Indonesian people and other struggling peoples!
Long live the noble and inspiring memory of Comrade Soedirdjo Harsono!