CPP salutes Canadian champion of the working people


The Communist Party of the Philippines just learned of the passing of Charles Boylan, a communist and a comrade. We send our sincerest condolences to his partner Donna Petersen, his family, and to the Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada.

The activism of comrade Charles was not divorced from what he did as a teacher, a broadcaster on Vancouver’s Co-Op Radio, a writer, an active union member of Local 21 Education and Training Employees Association (ETEA); he was also a friend to people’s movements and peoples’ struggles (including that of the Philippines, Cuba, Palestine, Venezuela, etc.), a fighter for social justice and human rights, a strong critic against globalization and neo-liberalism, and a solid champion of the working people.

Comrade Charles lent his voice to highlight the issues and struggles of the Filipino people, in their local mass actions, through his radio program and through his friendship with the Filipino community in Vancouver. His work reflected a vision of a society that is humane, free of oppression from imperialism and capitalism, a community where people take control over their lives and ensure that each person enjoys basic human rights.

Whatever Comrade Charles Boylan did, it was always to move society forward for the better. And his being a Marxist-Leninist and a communist informed all that.

Salute to comrade Charles Boylan! Mabuhay ka!

International Department
Communist Party of the Philippines
20 June 2017