Christians for National Liberation (CNL) | National Democratic Front of the Philippines
September 27, 2022
The Christians for National Liberation (CNL), the underground revolutionary political organization of Christians, recently held its 9th Congress in Luzon with the theme:“ Consolidate and expand our ranks! Unite and overthrow the US-Marcos II Tyranny by advancing the National Democratic Revolution with a socialist perspective! Onward with the people’s war!”
Worsening political repression which continues under the US-Marcos II regime and the continuing Covid-19 pandemic did not prevent the Christian revolutionaries from holding a physical gathering (while observing security and health protocols). Participants came from all three major island groups Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao, and from overseas – a first.
The Congress sought to strengthen understanding of the worsening crisis of imperialism and its impact on the Philippines as a neocolony; determine its political and organizational situation in the conduct of revolutionary work; and unite on the overall plan in the coming years to contribute to the strengthening of the revolution in an all round way under the leadership of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP). In particular, CNL centered on stocktaking of the chapters and units since the 8th Congress in 2017; election of National Executive Committee Officers, and Four-Year Plan.
The body began with a tribute to CNL’s martyrs and heroes who paid the highest sacrifice in serving the masses especially during the dark years of the Marcos I dictatorship. A special tribute was dedicated to CNL Chair Ka Pua who passed away due to illness. Inspiring solidarity messages from the CPP and Kaguma, the revolutionary organization of teachers and also an allied organization of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP), were also read.
Meanwhile, new CNL Song and 9th Congress Hymn both emphasized the importance of waging the national democratic revolution with a socialist perspective, and the role of revolutionary Christians in supporting worker-peasant alliances in the main.
Revolutionary Situation
A representative of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) provided comprehensive input on the post-election and revolutionary situation. The representative stressed that the dictator’s son, Ferdinand Marcos Jr, along with the tyrant’s daughter Sara Duterte, fraudulently won using all state resources including terrorism and widespread deceit. On the other hand, the widespread campaign for former president Leni Robredo showed people’s volunteerism and desire for change. Despite heightened state attacks against progressives, three seats were still secured in the House of Representatives. The challenge remains in reaping the gains for arousing, organizing, and mobilizing those that have been reached during the campaign, especially the youth.
The economic and political crises have worsened under Duterte and is set to turn for the worse under Marcos II. Apart from the bloody killings of drug war victims and activists, Duterte left a legacy of huge foreign debt amounting to 13 trillion pesos, balance of payment deficit of $1.6 B and wholesale corruption. Marcos II is not departing from the same neoliberal model for the benefit of US-China imperialist masters.
In the midst of this, revolutionary forces continue to grow, noting data provided in the Party’s anniversary statement of auxiliary forces in more than 110 guerilla fronts out of 81 provinces, with 150,000 cadres and members as core. CNL contributes to this in various ways, including and especially, through red fighters.
Chapters and units provided their situation, which vary in terms of membership, recruitment and political activities. Two external factors impact on the work: heightened state repression especially through the NTF-ELCAC and Covid-19 pandemic restrictions. These factors, especially state attacks, negatively impact on the conduct of political and organizational work which members have strived to overcome.
Notably, CNL chapters outside of the Philippines (including Asia, Europe, and North America) have been set-up and/or are in the process of establishment. Continuing social investigation, political education for most, and support for the countryside have been carried out.
The Secretary General provided the updates from chapters which were unable to send representatives.
Amendments of By-Laws and Election of Officers
Some sections of the By-Laws were amended and was followed by the election of new officers. Consistent with the By-Laws, a Commission on Elections was created coming from non-voting delegates. The Congress then unanimously elected its new set of National Executive Committee (NEC) officers. Elected officers accepted their new responsibilities and thanked the body for their trust. Representatives to the National Council from each chapter were also identified. Together with all CNL delegates, the new officers reaffirmed their commitment by reciting the CNL oath.
Four-Year Plan
The organization’s plan for 2022-2026 were discussed and approved. CNL’s overall tasks are to: Overthrow the US-Marcos II/Duterte regime, actively participate in different forms of struggle so that the NDR can proceed to the next higher level of the strategic defensive, from the middle phase to the advanced substage.
In pursuit of this, five specific objectives were set: 1. Consolidate and expand our ranks; 2. Participate and Support the Armed Struggle; 3. Participate in the anti-fascist, anti-feudal mass movement and parliamentary struggle; and push the peace negotiations between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and Philippines (NDFP); 4.Win over the leadership of the institutional church to support the NDR and deny its support to the reactionaries; and 5. Mobilize international networks to support the NDR. Chapters and units will translate this into their specific context for immediate planning and implementation.
The 9th Congress ended with cultural presentations from the delegations and a strong reaffirmation to dedicate their all in serving the people. As emphasized by the CPP in its message to the revolutionary Christians, “Your persistence, patience in grasping the revolutionary theory, and perseverance in revolutionary practice will eventually culminate in the victory of the people’s war and bring about real peace with justice, national and class freedom.”#