Section 1. The general structure of the NDF consists of the conference and council of representatives of the allied organizations at the national level, and the conferences and consultations at lower levels. Abroad, conferences and councils may be formed by representatives of chapters of allied organizations in countries or global regions.
Section 2. The National Conference is the highest assembly of the NDF. Its decisions are governed by the principle of consensus, independence and initiative of the allied organizations.
2.1 The National Conference consists of the representatives of the allied organizations as well as outstanding individuals who may be invited to the National Council, provided their number shall not exceed 10 percent of its membership.
2.2 The National Conference shall have the following tasks:
2.2.1 Ratify and amend the NDF Constitution and Program, subject to the approval of the allied organizations;
2.2.2 Decide on the number of officers of the National Council and affirm the representatives of each allied organization in the Council;
2.2.3 Receive and approve reports from the National Council, National Executive Committee and General Secretariat;
2.2.4 Review, approve, alter or repeal the decisions of the previous National Conference, National Council, National Executive Committee and General Secretariat; and
2.2.5 Decide on new organizations seeking to join the alliance.
2.3 The National Conference shall hold regular session every three years. Under special circumstances, the succeeding Conference may be convened before its due date.
Section 3. The National Council shall be the highest policy-making body of the NDF between National Conferences. Its policy decisions shall be subject to review and confirmation by the National Conference and ratification by the allied organizations.
3.1 The National Council shall be composed of an equal number of representatives of the allied organizations and such outstanding individuals as may be invited by the Council to become its members, provided these do not exceed 10 percent of the membership of the Council.
3.2 The National Council shall exercise the following functions and powers:
3.2.1 Formulate policies, plans and other decisions in accordance with the NDF Program and Constitution.
3.2.2 Call the National Conference;
3.2.3 Submit reports and proposals to the National Conference;
3.2.4 Approve the entry of new organizations and invite outstanding individuals for inclusion in the National Council, upon the agreement of the allied organizations;
3.2.5 Elect the National Executive Committee;
3.2.6 Ensure overall guidance over the convening of conferences and consultations at lower levels;
3.2.7 Establish staff committees to take charge of important spheres of NDF work; and
3.2.8 Represent the national democratic movement here and abroad with the explicit consent of the allied organizations.
Section 4. The National Executive Committee (NEC) shall ensure collective leadership of the NDF between meetings of the National Council.
4.1 It shall be composed of five members, including the chairperson, the vicechairperson and the secretary general.
4.2 The NEC shall perform the following powers and functions:
4.2.1 Decide on matters that require immediate action under the guidance of the Program and Constitution and the policies and decisions of the National Council;
4.2.2 Direct the implementation of plans, campaigns and projects;
4.2.3 Convene regular and special meetings of the National Council;
4.2.4 Submit reports and proposals to the National Council;
4.2.5 Form and direct the work of the General Secretariat;
4.2.6 Direct the committees formed under the National Council for attending to important spheres of work; and
4.2.7 Appoint NDF representatives for international work and for important political initiatives in the Philippines and abroad on the basis of consultations and consensus among the allied organizations.
4.3 Major decisions of the National Executive Committee shall be made on the basis of consensus. Consultations among allied organizations shall be enhanced before and after major issues are decided by the NEC.
4.4 The National Executive Committee shall meet every three months at the minimum.
Section 5. The General Secretariat is the overall administrative staff of the National Council and the National Executive Committee.
5.1 It shall be composed by the general secretary, the deputy general secretary and other personnel necessary for secretariat work.
5.2 The General Secretariat shall administer the day-to-day activities of the NDF. It performs the daily routine functions in propaganda, education, research, finance, communications, special projects and other tasks that may be set by the National Council and the National Executive Committee.
Section 6. At lower levels, the NDF takes the form of conferences and consultations of representatives of allied organizations in the localities, such as the region, province, district, city and municipality.
6.1 Under the general guidance of the National Council and the National Executive Committee, the representatives of the allied organizations at lower levels may convene conferences and consultations to reach a unified position on important political issues, and plan and coordinate united activities within their respective spheres.
Section 7. Abroad, conferences and councils of representatives of chapters of allied organizations in particular countries or global regions and other organizations may be convened upon approval by the leading organ of the NDF.