Arroyo warlord in Surigao, 4 armed escorts arrested

New People's Army confiscates nine M-16 rifles, pistols


Regional Political Department
Merardo Arce Command
NPA-Southern Mindanao

Arroyo warlord and Lingig, Surigao del Sur town mayor Roberto "Jimmy" Luna Jr. and his AFP/PNP bodyguards were arrested earlier today, May 5, at 6:15 AM at a mobile checkpoint mounted by Red fighters along the Davao-Agusan National Highway in Pasian, Monkayo, Compostela Valley Province. Red fighters under the Conrado Heredia Command-Front 20 Operations Command of the New People's Army also confiscated their firearms consisting of five M-16 armalite rifles, two .45 cal. pistols, one 9 mm pistol and one .380 cal. pistol.

Luna, a last term mayor under Gloria Arroyo's Lakas-Kampi Party, is being held for investigations for numerous criminal, land grabbing and graft cases lodged before the local People's Court. Luna is being investigated for the 2007 murders of Suazo siblings who are Barangay Union residents in Lingig town; and Luna's involvement in the cold-blooded murder of Mayor Amerosin V. Onsing in 2001. Luna has also been accused of land grabbing 30-hectare peasant lands in Barangay Pagbacatan, and in Dahican Island.

Luna who is now seeking the Lingig town vice mayoralty post has been facing graft charges for the 26-million peso Land Bank loan for water ways in 2009. He has pending cases in reactionary courts for illegal logging, falsification of official documents, grave misconduct, and graft and corruption.

Luna and his AFP/PNP armed escorts — 58th IB-AFP PFC John Rey Abao (SN 831893), PFC Arnel Dizon (SN 859544), PNP Lingig PO2 Boy de Castro and PO3 Alan Dapitanon — are now under NPA custody while investigations are ongoing.

The NPA shall issue further statements and notices related to this latest incident.