Arroyo Regime teeters on the brink of ouster

By Bagani Dong-Ilay

A social volcano is waiting to erupt with the pent-up anger of the long suffering Filipino people against a cheating, stealing and lying president.

A new and yet bigger wave of calls for Arroyo’s ouster or resignation has swept the country after revelations from former government official Rodolfo Lozada, Jr. confirmed the direct involvement of Mike Arroyo, the husband of Manila president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, in a multi-million dollar kickback scandal in connection with a proposed National Broadband Project awarded to Chinese company Zhong Xing Telecommunication Equipment Company (ZTE).

    Read or download the January – February 2008 issue of Liberation International…

    Also in this issue:

    Tens of thousands demand truth, join calls to oust Arroyo Regime

    US and Philippine military massacre civilians in Maimbung, Sulu

    NPA frustrates intensified enemy attacks

    Iraqi resistance inflicts heavy toll on US occupation forces

    Uribe government assassinates FARC commander Raul Reyes

    "Operation Peace" sows terror in north Brazil countryside

    Hearfelt condolences on the death of Comrade Dr. George Habash, Al-Hakim