NDFP Chief Political Consultant
in Peace Negotiations with the GPH/GRP
The recent statement of BS Aquino III to Radyo Bombo and published in the Philippine Daily Inquirer attacking the National Democratic Front of the Philippines and seeking to impose on the NDFP his one-sided views has upset efforts to pave the way for the resumption of the GPH-NDFP peace negotiations.
It is Aquino who lacks sincerity in peace negotiations between the GPH* and NDFP.
He has wantonly violated the existing agreements, especially The Hague Joint Declaration, the Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (CARHRIHL), the Joint Agreement on Safety and Immunity Guarantees (JASIG), and the Joint Agreement on the Formation, Sequence and Operationalization of the Reciprocal Working Committees.
He is out of his mind if he thinks that he can get an agreement on indefinite ceasefire without complying with the aforesaid existing agreements and without a Comprehensive Agreement on Social and Economic Reforms at the same time.
He shows his bad faith, selfishness and incorrigible penchant for cruelty by putting in advance of formal talks his precondition that he will continue to violate JASIG and CARHRIHL, and further on by allowing the issuance of warrants of arrest against NDFP consultants in connection with the baseless and false Hilongos charge.
He seems to be obsessed with going down in history with a legacy of cruelty comparable to that of Marcos and Arroyo in collecting political prisoners and allowing the military, police and paramilitary in perpetrating forced disappearances, torture, mass dislocation, demolition of homes, and landgrabbing under Oplan Bayanihan.
Aquino has allowed OPAPP secretary Deles to sabotage every step in the so-called special track, from the time of Ronald Llamas to that of Hernani Braganza (who was brusquely laid aside by Deles only recently).
Now, Deles wants to humiliate and insult the NDFP by putting forward the self-proclaimed designer of Oplan Bayanihan as the chief negotiator of the GPH.
By his callous and malicious statement, probably advised by Deles, Aquino has made it necessary for the NDFP to consider again whether or not it is useful at all to negotiate with a lameduck regime which is obsessed with violating existing agreements and which is predetermined to leave a legacy of ruining the peace negotiations with the NDFP, and even messing up those with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front by committing the Mamasapano fiasco.
* GPH or GRP: Government of the Republic of the Philippines