National Security Adviser Gonzales is a patent liar and puerile intriguer

Chairperson, NDFP Human Rights Committee

Once more National Security Adviser Norberto Gonzales has exposed himself as a patent liar and a puerile intriguer by accusing the New People’s Army (NPA) of planning to assassinate former President Joseph Estrada. The malicious intent of Gonzales is to slander the NPA and the entire revolutionary movement, divide the broad united front against the despicable Arroyo regime and prevent Estrada from effectively helping opposition candidates in the forthcoming elections.

Chairperson, NDFP Human Rights Committee

Once more National Security Adviser Norberto Gonzales has exposed himself as a patent liar and a puerile intriguer by accusing the New People’s Army (NPA) of planning to assassinate former President Joseph Estrada.

The malicious intent of Gonzales is to slander the NPA and the entire revolutionary movement, divide the broad united front against the despicable Arroyo regime and prevent Estrada from effectively helping opposition candidates in the forthcoming elections.

Ka Roger, the spokesperson of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), has already declared to the public that the accusation of Gonzales against the NPA is a pure fabrication of a clerico-fascist and a puppy of US imperialism like Gonzales

Estrada himself and his son JV Ejercito have already expressed disbelief at the false claims of Gonzales and have pointed to a malicious scheme of the Arroyo regime to impose stifling conditions on the detained Joseph Estrada and undertake other harmful actions against the opposition.

But Gonzales is a persistent liar and intriguer. He keeps on embroidering on his malicious story. He now claims falsely that the chief political consultant of the NDFP Negotiating Panel, Professor Jose Maria Sison, has “directly ordered” the NPA to assassinate not only Estrada but also Gloria M. Arroyo, Norberto Gonzales himself, Raul Gonzalez and retired Major General Jovito Palparan.

It is not within the power of Prof. Sison to decide and order who should be listed in the standing order for the NPA to arrest or give battle to criminally liable persons like Gloria M. Arroyo, Norberto Gonzales, Raul Gonzales and the butcher Palparan who are armed and dangerous and/or surrounded by armed personnel.

These criminally liable persons in authority themselves have been pressing on the NPA and other revolutionary forces to take action against them because they have been responsible for the extrajudicial killing and abduction of so many unarmed people under Oplan Bantay Laya I and II and yet they have maliciously accused the NPA of being responsible for such crimes of the regime and its armed minions in the military and police.

So far, the revolutionary forces have not yet launched any full-blast and full-scale campaign to arrest, try and punish the human rights violators at the highest level of the Arroyo regime, despite the clamor of the people for justice. They are letting the victims, the survivors, the human rights organizations and the broad masses of the people expose the criminal culpability of the regime and its military and police minions.

It takes time for the revolutionary forces to build up the intelligence and capability to undertake just actions against the human rights violators who are well-armed and well-protected at the highest level. But the broad masses of the people anticipate that in the forthcoming reactionary elections the regime will use fraud and terror and incite the revolutionary forces to undertake just actions against the worst human rights violators at the highest level.

We, who are members and consultants of the NDFP Negotiating Panel, can only observe developments in the Philippines from a distance and hope for the resumption of the peace negotiations upon a change of leadership or policy in the reactionary Manila government. At the same time, it is within the authority and competence of the leading organs of the CPP, NPA and the NDFP in the Philippines to undertake the just and necessary decisions and actions against the worst human rights violators in the country.