The National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) reiterates its firm solidarity with the heroic Venezuelan people and His Excellency, President Nicolas Maduro, as the Constitutional and elected President of the Bolivarian Government of Venezuela. The Venezuelan people and government founded on the legacy and inspiration of Comandante and President Hugo Chavez, Simon Bolivar and so many other people’s heroes, have earned the solidarity of freedom-loving peoples and governments in Latin America and the Carribe and other parts of the world.
The united strength of the Venezuelan people and the Bolivarian Government led by President Nicolas Maduro, with the overall international solidarity support of other peoples and governments are firm and strong enough to repel any acts of subversion and attacks by the domestic reactionaries and counter-revolutionary foreign powers.
The National Democratic Front of the Philippines vigorously condemns the terrorist attack perpetrated on June 27, 2017 against the headquarters of the Ministry of People’s Power for Interior Relations, Justice and Peace and the Supreme Court of Justice, both in Caracas, as part of a coup plot against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and its institutions. We strongly support the valiant efforts of the Bolivarian Government and the Venezuelan people to defeat the domestic and foreign reactionaries behind the coup plot.
We take this occasion to also congratulate the Venezuelan people and their Bolivarian Government in celebrating the 206th Anniversary of the Signing of the Act of Independence. We convey our warmest greetings of solidarity to President Nicolas Maduro and in the Philippines to H.E. Capaya Rodriguez Gonzalez, Ambassador Plenipotentiary of the Bolivarian Government of Venezuela to the Republic of the Philippines.
Long live the heroice Venezuelan people and President Nicolas Maduro!
Long live the solidarity between the Filipino people and the Venezuelan people!
Luis G. Jalandoni