LIBERATION: People’s War for Just Peace

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LIBERATION | Vol. XXXIV | January-March 2017

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LIBERATION Philippines
January-March 2017

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[av_dropcap2 color=”default” custom_bg=”#444444″]P[/av_dropcap2]eace talks between the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) and five Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) administrations since 1986 have gone on and off because of the unresolved protracted armed conflict between them.

By consensus of the parties, the sequential formal peace negotiations are aimed at ending the armed conflict—and attaining just and lasting peace for the Filipino people—by seriously addressing and resolving its root causes. Happily, this has been grasped and persistently supported by a growing network of peace advocacy formations and people’s organizations. However, this consensual objective has yet to be deeply understood and appreciated by the general public.

Less comprehended still, outside the ranks of revolutionary forces, is this fact: The people’s war, at bottom, is a struggle for a just and lasting peace. Yes, the people’s war, led by the CPP-NPA/ NDFP over the last 48 years, has pursued such peace “in the most comprehensive and strategic way.”
No wonder the slogan, “People’s war is for people’s peace,” was raised before a huge crowd during the unprecedented public celebration of the 48th founding anniversary of the CPP last December 26 in Davao City and in various regional commands of the NPA across the country.

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