Warmest greetings from CEBRASPO (Brazil)

ImageBy Brazilian Centre of Solidarity to the Peoples

From Brazil we send our warmest greetings to the Professor Jose Maria Sison and enthusiasticaly we join in the collective celebration of the passage of 50 years of his intense and fecund political activity, as a detached leader of the Filipino people in their struggle for national liberation and the building of true democracy in the Philippines.

As a proletarian revolutionary he has dedicated his life and his experience, forged in the practice of class struggle, for the organization and development of the revolutionary forces, particularly in his country. And exactly for this the significant date coincides with the celebration of the anniversary of 40 years of Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), of what Sison was chairman and founder. And mainly responsible for resurgence of the mass antiimperialist movement in the Philippines, after the coup against the armed revolutionary movement in the early of 1950.

As an internationalist, Sison has dedicated his theoretical and practical knowledge – of the proletarian science, the revolutionary movements in Asia and the international communist movement – to strengthen the struggle against the danger represented by modern revisionism.

At the same time, he gives impulse to the anti-imperialist movement in different continents, through the International League of Peoples' Struggles, as elected chairman of the International Coordinating Committee in 2004, reelected in 2008.

We reaffirm our respect for his political trajectory, an example and an encouragement to revolutionaries around the world.


CEBRASPO – Brazilian Centre of Solidarity to the Peoples